
v Introduction:

Metaphysical Poetry Play a vital role in the history of English Litrature.In the beginning of 17th century a groups of Poets who tried to write Poetry In altogether age of different way and their poetry came to be known as the Metaphysical Poetry. It was the age of Milton or Jecobean age.That type of Poetry concerns the branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of Existence,Truth,and Knowledge. Read More....

Paper No.-2 Neo-Classical Literature


Richard steele as a founder of Sentimental Comedy

v Introduction:

Steele had a verified and rather an unfortunate career, due largely to his own ardent disposition. Like Addition, he was educated at the Charterhouse, and then proceeded to Oxford, leaving without taking a degree. His next exploit was to enter the army as a cadet; then he took to politics, became a Member of parliament, and wrote for the Whigs. Steele was too impetuous to be a successful politician and he was expelled from the House of Commons. Read More...

Paper No. 3-Literary Theory and Criticism


Illusion with Text of Criticism, Practical criticism/applied criticism, Impressionistic criticism.

v Introduction:

v What is Criticism?

Literary Criticism is the overall term for studies concerned with defining, classifying, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating works of literature. Theoretical criticism proposes an explicit theory of literature. In the sense of general principles, together with a set of terms, distinction and categories to be applied to identifying and analyzing works of literature. Criteria which these work and their writers are to be evaluated. Read More...

Paper No. 4-Indian Writing In English


Eklavya as a Subaltern

v Introduction:

The purpose is a play which written by T.P.Kailasam. It regarded ‘The Private Mythology’ of T.P. Kailasam. This play deals with two acts. We can see a play various ‘Purpose’ in Kailasam’s Mythological Drama. He highlights Eklavya’s ambition to become the greatest archer in the world in order to protect his fawns from the wolves. The character of Eklavya concerns the theory of Subaltern. Read More...