2024 Programme


Programme for 2024.

We have been able to resume face-to-face meetings since the autumn of 2022.  The Association meetings are usually the first Tuesday evening  of the month commencing at 7.30pm over the Autumn and Winter seasons . The venue is the Community Centre, Cawdor Primary School. Please check individual meetings for the venue. A zoom link may be available for meetings for those members unable to attend in person by contacting the secretary.

A Spring/Summer programme is more infrequent as beekeepers are particularly busy during this time and includes more social events and the annual honey show. 

Winter/early Spring  monthly meetings

6th Feb 2024 - AGM followed by a talk from Ivan Nicol on Swarm Catching Adventures & experiences

5th March 2024 - Exotic pests currently threatening beekeeping  from Lorraine Johnston

2nd April 2024 - Anaphylaxis from Dr Ken Morley 

Spring/Summer programme

Saturday 27th April information tent at Gordonstoun Highland Ganes

Saturday May 18th: Apiary Vist at Mick Canham's 

Saturday Jun 8th : Association barbeque at Heather & David Landsell

Friday 26th Competition entries and Saturday 27th July Nairn Honey Show at the Nairn Farmer’s Show.

Autumn & Winter Programme tbc

September 4th 

October 2nd 

November 6h

December 4th


A novices course,  will be scheduled during the year please see programme under Education tab.

If you would be interested in attending such a course, please get in touch with our education convenor: Fiona Lewthwaite