Léamh Gaeilge

  • Úsáideann muid na leabhair Gaeilge Séideán Sí leis na páistí. Is féidir na leabhair a léamh le chéile sa bhaile ar shuíomh Séideán Sí anseo: http://seideansi.ie/aiseanna-eile.php We use the Séideán Sí scheme for reading Irish in the school. Please follow the link above to read the books online with the children.

Ag léamh na leabhair:

  • Léigh na focail a bhaineann leis an leabhar ar an mbileog leis na páistí. Read the words on the page with the children.
  • Labhair faoi na pictiúirí (Speak to your child about the pictures) m.sh. Cé atá sa phictiúr? Cén dath atá ar......? An maith leat? Is/ní maith liom. Cá bhfuil.......? Taispeán dom.......
  • Caithfidh na páistí dul siar a dhéanamh ar na focail a bhaineann leis an leabhair chuile oíche. The children should revise these words each night while they have the book to help them to memorise them.
  • Cleachtadh, cleachtadh, cleachtadh! Practice, Practice, Practice! They say a child needs to see a word at least 20-30 times before they will start to reeognise the word.