Jolly Phonics, Group 5

The songs for the Jolly Phonics, group 5 can be found here:

The actions for group 5 can be found on the Youtube video and a description of the actions can be found below.

Group 5

z Put arms out at sides and pretend to be a bee, saying zzzzzz.

w Blow on to open hand, as if you are the wind, and say wh, wh, wh.

ng Imagine you are a weightlifter, and pretend to lift a heavy weight above your head, saying ng…

v Pretend to be holding the steering wheel of a van and say vvvvvv.

oo OO Move head back and forth as if it is the cuckoo in a cuckoo clock, saying u, oo; u, oo (Little and long oo)