Meteor Scatter and Sporadic E

There is a small group of South African 50 & 144 MHz meteor scatter operators. There will also be a few days on these modes. More details will be posted as they become available.

The VHF DXpedition to Luderitz from 07-17 January 2009 falls into the primary sporadic-E season and is in an excellent location to cover virtually all of South Africa in the event of an Es opening.

To maximize the chance of Es contacts we will plan to run a breakable CW beacon on 50.200 MHz from early morning to late evening, the most likely times for Es propagation.

We will also furnish a cell phone number prior to the trip so you can give us a missed call in the event the beacon is heard.

There will also be meteor scatter operation on both 50 & 144 MHz using FSK441. More information on frequencies and operating schedule will be provided before our departure from Pretoria for Luderitz in early January.

There are still openings for one or two operators. Contact ZS6OB or ZS6WB if interested.