How do you get this done and working for you?

1.Just send an email to titled: "Create an Employment Site for my Group"

2.Include in the email:

-Your group's name

-Mailing address and telephone number

-Full name of your group's champion for this effort and their email address

-Your group's website address (ie

-The location where you will be placing the board's link on your site (or indicate that you want a whole new site altogether).

-Then include any text you want to populate the front page of your site with us (it can be changed).

-Last, let us know how you want your site to roll out:

A members only site where new enrollees are approved by the administrator.

A free board with fewer enrollment restrictions.

3.Give us an indication as to when you want your board up and running on your site. There is no charge, and there will be no charge in the future for new boards who get up and running soon. We will charge for installations in the future.

There are no roadblocks from us today and we are ready to go. Let's get started together NOW. Send us that email.