What is the GED Test?

Good explanation of the GED-- http://www.k12academics.com/standardized-testing/national-achievement-tests/ged-testing

The GED Tests are a series of five tests. Science, Social Studies, Language Arts Reading, Math, and Language Arts Writing.

To pass the tests you must score better than aproximately 30% of the high school graduating seniors who took the same test.

If you pass you earn a credential from your state. In Florida and most states you are granted a high school diploma when you pass the GED.

In Florida, by law, Rule 6A-6.021 (6) State of Florida Department of Education, "Upon successful completion of the GED tests as prescribed herein, a candidate shall be awarded a State of Florida high school diploma and shall be considered a high school graduate."

Now, visit the Official GED website- http://www.acenet.edu/AM/Template.cfm?Section=GEDTS

Look over the GED Fact Sheet-


Read this article comparing a GED and a regular high school diploma- http://www.educationbug.org/a/ged-vs--high-school-diploma.html

Try this quiz about the GED Test-


How did you do? Any surprises? Email your comments to Mr. Taylor at MyGEDClass@gmail.com

Next- Online Learning Quiz
