
GED Study Plan

Click to start studying now!

If you need help, call or email me. I always answer, so if you don't get a reply within a week, email me again, I might have missed it. Brett


My Next Live Workshop

4/1/2012 at 9:15 pm

Topic: Statistics

click to join the live class

Watch past workshops here-

Study Videos for the GED's Most Missed Type Math Questions

#1 Pythagorean Theorem (7/30/11)- Click to watch

#2 Area of Irregular Shapes (8/27/11)- Click to watch

#3 Changing Dimensions (9/24/11)- Click to watch

#4 Substitute and Check (10/30/11)- Click to watch

#5 Graphs, Charts and Tables (12/11/11)- Click to watch

More Recorded Video Lessons

GED Resources

Watch Kristen's GED Success Story

GED Passers Testimonials-

I <3 Khan Academy!

If you need math help, I can think of no better place to go than The story behind Khan Academy goes something like this: Sol Khan was an engineer and his niece in another state emailed him asking for math help. He created a short video showing her how to solve the type of problem she was struggling with. He posted the video on YouTube because that is the easiest way to share videos. This happened several times and to his amazement he saw that many other people were watching his videos on YouTube.

That is how this natural-born unassuming, easy-going teacher began. He now has thousands of videos on a wide variety of topics, not just math.

I am a certified to teach math through 9th grade in Florida based on the college math classes I have taken. When I moved to North Carolina, I found I could add certification to teach through 12th grade by passing a test (Praxis). I signed up for the test and started studying, mostly concentrating on Calculus which I had never studied before. I watched Khan Academy videos a lot and viola! I passed.

Here is a sample of one of his videos on a science topic-

In case I didn't put that embed code in correctly, here is the link- -

So explore his site, I'm sure there is something there that will educate or entertain you with information about some part of your world.


How Hard is the GED?

The answer to that is 'it depends'. A passing score of 450 means you did better than 40% of the graduating high school seniors on the same questions. Or looking at it differently, 60% of the high school seniors did better than you on it.

The two hardest parts are the math and essay for most people. There will be algebra and geometry on the GED test BUT you don't have to get all of them right, you just have to beat the scores of 40% of the seniors. There is a practice test for the GED made by the same publisher that produces the GED Tests. It is set up the way, just half as long. The name of this test is the Official GED Practice Test. There are a few places that let you order it online and send it back to them for scoring. Most commonly you would find a local adult education program in your area and go in to try it. The results are an excellent indicator if you are ready to take the GED Tests or not.

On this site ( I offer links and resources that will help students get ready for the GED Tests. If you are an independent, motivated person, this might be helpful to you. If so, there is no charge or signing up required, just start studying. I appreciate knowing if you find anything helpful and I can assisst you from time to time so email me as needed.

You might have noticed I am not selling anything and I don't even have any ads on my site. The reason I don't have ads is because ads are usually related to site content and if I allowed Google Adsense on here, most of the ads would be for sites that I consider scams. I only have to pay approximately $12 a year to keep this site going so I can't see misleading people seeking a GED in order to make a few extra bucks.

If you do a search for GED and look at the ads that come along with the search results you will see what I mean. I visited several of them just to see how they worked. I found one where you received "life experience" credit based on answering some questions. If you didn't get enough right, they let you try again but they gave you the same questions and even showed in green which ones you answered correctly so all you had to do was change a few of your wrong ones.

I have talked to people who paid relatively large sums of money to a site like that and received a nice diploma, but when they tried to use it were told it was not real and they had to start over again, the right way.

Some people will do better in a more structured atmosphere. If that's you, I suggest contacting your local GED Preparation program. If you are not sure how to find a local GED program, just look it up her- is the official GED site. If you have been the victime of an online scam about the GED, report it to They have prosecuted many people who were preying on those seeking a GED.

Take care,



Here are some YouTube videos from ACENet-

Looking for an online GED Class?

A free one?

Be cautious! Here's an open letter to you:


Because passing the GED Tests (in person, not online) is the only way to get a GED, the first step is to see if you are ready to take the test right now or if you need to learn more.

The best way to do that is through your local GED preparation program.

To find a local GED program click-

Then you can join a local class, an online class, if offered, or study on your own.

There are several good online study sites for the GED that don't cost anything.

Besides you should try , ,

or (Caution: Do NOT get taken in by the ads on this site, they are almost all scams, but the site itself is good), and many more.

Contact me if you have any questions.

Good luck,


If you are in Florida, email me and I will put you in touch with the online GED program for Florida.

Free Online GED Prep Class Recordings click here: Recordings These live classes and recordings are made possible by FATDEC.

Interested in passing the GED Tests? Use all the resources here as much as like for free.

I also suggest you find a local GED Preparation Center click here->

A local site can give you a pretest to see how close you are to being ready to pass the GED Tests.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at Whatever you do, investigate before you pay anything for a GED course.

Free GED Study Resources

Free GED Class (Start NOW)-

Free Online GED Practice Tests fron Steck-Vaughn-

Not Free GED Books

What is the GED?

Is Online Learning for You?

3 Steps to a GED

GED Preparation Contacts for all states-

Free Math Woksheets (with answers)



Contact us with any questions related to the GED.

email: or if you are in Florida


TEACHERS- here are some PowerPoints you can have:

Pardon the messy site. I am a teacher, not a web designer. I hope you can find the help you need easily to start working toward your GED. Email me anytime.

Brett Taylor