Digital Portfolio

A great way to build your digital reputation is by creating a digital portfolio. There are many free sites that allow you to setup a digital portfolio. You can use your digital portfolio to show off your projects, papers, presentations, and other materials that you create in graduate school.

Resources for Building a Digital Portfolio:

Digital Portfolio tools:

Website Hosting & Domain Name

One way to stand out from the crowd is to have your own domain name (e.g., This can be cheap (e.g., $10/year) if you just connect your domain name to a site like WordPress or forward your domain to your Google/Wix/Weebly site. It's more expensive to host your own website on the domain.


Don't post anything on your website that could be stolen from other individuals in your field (e.g., unpublished experiment results or data). Also, make sure not to post anything that you collaborated on without getting permission from the other individual(s) you collaborated with. You own the copyright to your representation of ideas even if you do not get a patent for them; however, you will have to find a way to prove that those ideas are yours if a conflict arises. If you have questions or concerns about copyright or copyright infringement, contact the Office of Research.

Creative Commons

It is considered copyright infringement (aka stealing) to take a photo from an Internet search and put it on your website. If you want to put images, audio, or other media on your website, you will either need to create the media or use media with a Creative Commons license (make sure to give attribution to the media owner). Creative Commons media can be used for a variety of purposes (based on the 6 different licenses). Here are some articles and resources for finding creative commons images: