ENGLISH - Scientists Call for Precautionary Measures to Limit EMF Exposure to Mobile Phones and Wi-Fi, Which They Say Is a Health Risk


A group of scientists is appealing to the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) to initiate tougher guidelines on exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and wireless technology. They say there is growing evidence that EMFs are a risk to health and the environment.

The 190 scientists from 39 countries are calling for the introduction of precautionary measures, limit EMF exposure, especially for children and pregnant women, and to educate the public about health risks from EMFs, which are mainly generated from mobile phones and cell masts, wi fi and cordless phones.

They also want the UN, the WHO and UN member states to explore the possible impact of EMFs on wildlife and the environment.

The International EMF Scientist Appeal points out that the WHO should already be issuing warnings. The WHO’s own research committee listed EMF radiation as a ‘possible carcinogen’ in 2011, but has done nothing with the finding.

Article Source: What Doctor’s Don’t Tell You


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