ENGLISH - EHS Symptoms of Radiation Sickness


DECEMBER 17, 2014

Posted by clnews DECEMBER 17, 2014in Eco-Friendly, Environment, Environmental Hazards with

What are the symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity?

You'd have to be living under a rock not to have noticed the number of cell phones proliferating all over the place. With the cell phones come cell phone towers to support the infrastructure.

Maybe you have children begging for the latest WiFi tablet or gadget…

Most of our school children are in classes that boast WiFi connections. We have baby monitors emitting pulsed RF radiation every few seconds next to the head of your infant. More wireless toys, tools and devices are hitting the market daily,

Is there a problem with this exponentially growing EMF exposure? Do we need to be aware of safe ways to use technology and precautionary measures we can institute?

Many non-industry funded experts feel we do. Here's a short video that examines a health condition called EHS that an increased number of people are reporting.



EHS Symptoms of Radiation Sickness

Alison Heath

Jun 25, 2014

Join us at http://EMFsummit.com for the world\s first FREE online summit on Electromagnetic Radiation and how it is affecting us. EHS symptoms include early warning signs like cataracts, dizziness, racing heartbeat, headaches, nosebleeds, memory loss, brain fog and more. The more serious illnesses caused by EMF radiation include cardiac problems, brain tumors, leukemia, and other cancers, ALS, and much more. Our children are the most vulnerable and wireless technology is rolling out into schools, so they will be bombarded all day long and all night too if there is wireless in the home as well, and/or a Smart meter on the wall outside their bedroom. Join me on the http://EMFsummit.com and learn more. , I'm also sharing strategies on how to look young and feel great in a FREE webinar you can watch at http://longevityrescuer.mobi It is fun and packed with great info. Of course I'm still committed to bringing you a line up of fantastic experts in the multi-expert interview series Your Vibrant Heath Secrets: http://YourVibrantHealthSecrets.com Come join my blog at http://LongevityRescuer.com and you'll find my main Gplus account at https://www.gplus.google.com/+AlisonH...




You may be interested to read WiFi a Thalidomide in the making who cares, a free report from Barrie Trower, a retired microwave weapons expert wrote after he ended his retirement to speak out against wireless technology and the harm is causing to our children:https://bit.ly/BarrieTrowerWiFiPaper.

He is one of the 18 guest experts on the EMF summit

EMF summit banner
Alison Heath Longevity Rescuer

Alison Heath the Longevity Rescuer has been assisting people to reclaim their vitality and optimal health for over 25 years. She’s hosts the popular summits Your Vibrant Health Secrets and the EMF summit. You’ll find her personal blog site athttps://LongevityRescuer.com She’s published a regular column calledThe Natural Path in MD News Magazine to inform physicians about the latest research in integrative health solutions. She’s published numerous client success stories in Vitality, Toronto’s largest health magazine. Alison has written a chapter in Nomi Shannon, the Raw Gourmet’s up coming book on raw food. Alison is an integrative health coach, speaker, author, and interviewer.


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