1. ENGLISH - Information about Science, Policy, and Law of 5G, 4G, and Wireless Makes a Difference

1. ENGLISH - Information about Science, Policy, and Law of 5G, 4G, and Wireless Makes a Difference

Environmental Health Trust <info@ehtrust.org>

Thu, Nov 16, 10:01 PM

A Major Impact From Sharing Knowledge on the Health and Environment Impacts 

Last week, in a huge win for wireless safety in Connecticut, the Stamford Board of Representatives rejected a proposal that would have proliferated 5G/4G "small" cell antennas into neighborhoods.

Here is the story.

An industry-friendly proposal was poised to allow wireless antennas in front of homes and schools. EHT experts, along with colleagues with expertise in law, policy, and health, were invited to present to the Board of Representatives Land Use Committee. On October 18th, the expert panel shared critical information on the health and environmental impacts of wireless proliferation. 

We also presented on the need for federal accountability and protective policy.  

That evening, after hours of deliberation, the committee voted against the proposal that would proliferate 5G and "small" cell antennas.

A few weeks later, the full Board joined the Committee and voted "no" on the proposal. 

EHT was grateful for the opportunity to share critical health and safety information. We know land-use decisions made in Stamford on the 5G buildout will reverberate statewide and far beyond.

The fact is that a growing body of scientific evidence links cellular radio-frequency radiation to a broad range of harmful effects, including cancer, memory damage, DNA/genetic damage, and impacts on brain development, the endocrine system, thyroid function, and reproduction. Studies have found radio-frequency radiation to be harmful to animals and trees. Government limits are outdated and do not protect humans or wildlife. 

Please share the video of expert testimony and these news stories with your decision-makers. 

Stamford Advocate: Stamford reps reject 5G agreement, citing safety worries: 'This may cause harm'

Connecticut Examiner: Stamford Rejects Deal Allowing 5G on City-Owned Utility Poles 

Connecticut Examiner: Stamford Bd of Reps Committee Votes to Block State 5G Telecoms Installations

Watch the Presentations

Our presentations had a major impact, providing key information that led to a successful NO vote on the proposal that would have promoted 5G proliferation. 

Your generous support helps us keep people informed as we promote the well-being of children, wildlife, and the environment.

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Environmental Health Trust is a 501 C3 registered public charity. 


Environmental Health Trust
PO Box 58
Teton Village , WY 83025
United States


Health, Policy, Legal Issues 5G and Cell Towers to Stamford Board of Rep. Land Use Committee


Environmental Health Trust


Oct 27, 2023


Scientific, policy and legal experts present on the health, safety and legal issues of 5G, cell towers and wireless networks. This video shares clips and edits pulled from the full presentation which can be found at the City of Stamford government website. Bios of these speakers can be found at https://ehtrust.org/science-policy-an... Environmental Health Trust is a scientific think tank https://ehtrust.org Sign up for our newsletter at https://secure.everyaction.com/TMmKiv... Published science on 5G at https://ehtrust.org/science-on-health...



Follow along using the transcript.

Show transcript

Environmental Health Trust

duration 4:05:43 hours


