Regular Clubs

As well as our social events, there are many regular clubs for Mumbai Connexions members to join. For dates, places and times for our clubs, please do get in touch with us at:

Coffee Mornings

Join us for Coffee!

Mumbai Conexions hold regular coffee mornings every first and third Wednesday of the month.  These are a great way to get to know your fellow expats and your city.

We have also teamed up with our sister organisation, 'The American Club for International Women' and had joint coffee mornings for all members.  


Join Mahjong! It’s a tile-based game that was developed in the 19th century in China, commonly played by four players. Beginners are welcome. For details contact us at:

Bridge Club

Like to play cards?

Currently, they are two people playing. But sometimes people are not available so we are looking for more people. Contact Katleen: +91 8657445292


Every Monday, a group meets to chat and crochet. It is a very informal group (absolute beginners are very welcome) meeting in Bandra and BKC. Contact: