Womens Missionary Society


The Rachel Conover Missionary Society



Sis. Mary Brown                                                                                                President



The Rachel Conover Missionary Society meets every third Sunday at 1:30pm in the lower auditorium of the church.

We welcome all who wish to join this society.


 The Rachel Conover Missionary Society is seeking volunteers to serve on the 2nd and/or 4th Tuesdays of each month as part of their “visiting the sick and shut-in” mission.  Please see Sis. Mary Brown for further details.







Throughout the year the Rachel Conover Missionary Society supports the following agencies:


Saint Clair Home - for children infected with the AIDS virus

The Trenton Soup Kitchen - Providing Food during the holidays

NHA/AME Health Awareness Center in Newark, NJ

Mission Outreach to Haiti

University Medical Center of Princeton

Madonna House

Ronald McDonald House



Other activites include:


Food Baskets to families during the holidays

Continuing Education Scholarships for Mt. Pisgah students graduating from High School

Sick Visitation

Annual Palm Sunday 8:00AM Worship Service and breakfast

Annual Church Picnic

Condolence to bereaved families