What We Believe

Here at Mt Olive Baptist Church we believe we can help to provide families with an opportunity to fellowship with believers where faith and religious conviction have ample opportunity to grow and develop. We further believe a personal experience with God and proper spiritual guidance helps to shape one’s perception.

God becomes to us what He does for us. When He heals, He became a healer. When He delivered, He became a deliverer. Once God provides for us in times of need, He became a provider. God is the giver and sustainer of life and without God everything will cease. God establishes our ending at our beginning and makes provision for the life lived between. He will never impose His will on creation. He will never cease to quietly and gently encourage us to live life His way. Life is a gift and gifts are design to be enjoyed. Thus life is meant to be enjoyed by the liver. God makes that possible. God possess the owner’s operation manual, the Bible. To understand it you must request assistance with interpretation and translation. It is written in a langue some might describe as foreign. Like all foreign languages, we must learn to read, write and translate the written text for meaning.

Join us here at the Mt Olive Baptist Church where we are seeking to reveal to the world that God is real and we are worshiping Him in spirit and in truth.