Phelps Luck Elementary School

Home of the Falcons!

Classroom instruction is free of charge, and classes meet twice weekly

for 30 minute periods during the regular school day. Students are released

from classroom activities to participate in the instrumental music classes.

Instruments and textbooks are furnished by the parent, though some

instruments are available to be loaned to students.

When students are released to attend their instrument lesson, they will miss 30 minutes of their regularly scheduled day (sometimes Related Arts, Content, Recess, etc.). When the student returns to class after their 30-minute lesson, it is the students' responsibility to get any missed work or notes from either a fellow classmate or their teacher (when the teacher is not in the middle of a lesson).

Instrumental Music lessons days will alternate every week for each lesson group so students miss different classes. Schedules will be emailed and posted ahead of time.

If these days need to be changed for either a shorten school week or another reason, instrumental music families will be notified via email and changes will be made on the schedule. Please check the schedule page for changes and the most up-to-date schedule.