Grading Policy

How to check your child's grade?

Your child's grade can be viewed at any time by using the Synergy application, which is available on the HCPSS website. If you need assistance finding out your login/password please contact the school secretary for assistance.


The following factors will determine student grades for this course. Please see the detailed grading policy on the next page for more information. Grades are calculated by quarter, and a student or parent may look on Synergy to see their grade at any time – I calculate grades every day.

1. Assessment ...................................................................................... 30%

a. Tests

b. Quizzes

c. Playing tests

d. Written assignments

e. Performances/concert attendance

2. Homework ........................................................................................ 10%

a. Weekly practice logs.

b. Forms returned on-time

c. Written assignments

3. Participation, Effort, and Cooperation ............................................. 60%

a. Promptness

b. Accuracy

c. Prepared for class

d. Agenda book/materials check

e. Demonstration of appropriate behavior

f. Following of class rules


30% Assessment

Tests and quizzes will consist of written material, announced playing tests, or unannounced playing tests. Daily written theory warm-ups are also part of this grade. Playing tests may be retaken at any time (during recess) for a higher grade within the quarter.

10% Assignment Preparation

Students are expected to practice at least five days a week, and are required to turn in weekly Practice Journals. Practice Journals must be signed by a parent or guardian. Forged practice charts will result in a grade of 0 and parents will be contacted. Practice Journals must be turned in the week following their completion.

60% Participation, Effort, and Cooperation

This includes having your instrument, music, and necessary equipment in the class, as well as classroom behavior and conduct.

Each student automatically receives 25 points per day, and points are deducted for the following infractions. The categories listed below are a guideline, and the amount of points deducted will be based on the severity of the infraction. The student will always know when points have been deducted. If a student feels they have been treated unfairly, they may appeal my decision outside of class at a later time.

Unexcused late ...................................................................... -1 point

No instrument ....................................................................... -3 points

No music ................................................................................ -2 points

Missing materials .................................................................. -1 points

(slide oil, reeds, pencil, etc – anything that you must have to play)

Class disruption ..................................................................... -1-10 points for each occurrence

(unnecessary talking, eating, fooling around)

Inappropriate behavior/attitude problem ............................ -1-10 points for each occurrence

Disrespect toward any person .............................................. -1-10 points for each occurrence

(words or actions)

PS-74 ..................................................................................... -10 points

(fighting, continued disrespect, intentionally damaging school property)