
Mr. Wilson is the Art teacher. He not only teaches art during the day, but exhibits and paints in his spare time. Mr. Wilson likes to refer to himself as an artist that happens to teach. His passion for the art translates into the lessons as he attempts to expose the students to traditional and non-traditional art techniques and cultures. He seeks to help the students realize that there is a little artist in all of them; they need only release it. My official art website is www.bryanwilsonstudios.com.

Students and Parents, catch my art pins on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/artwiz/art/!

Here is my Flipboard profile: https://flipboard.com/@bryanwilson2014.

Check out the Visual Arts booster club page: http://www.nwsavab.com/.

Please visit Common Sense Media for information on our schools committment to building global Digital Citizens


For school wide concerns or other Northwest School of the Arts related information click here.

Phone: 980-343-5500

To contact me personally, you can email me at: bryanm.wilson@cms.k12.nc.us.

*Last updated 5/29/2014

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