Using Elevated Paths at Ground Level

This tutorial will instruct you on how to create elevated paths at ground level, like this:

or this:

What You Will Need:

Snowleo's Combi-Patch - to be able to use the elevated paths at lower heights

An elevated path of your choice (you will need Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species to use elevated paths)

The Tutorial:

I will show to make a bridge/boardwalk like in the second screenshot above, but the same steps can be taken to create other designs.

[1.] Draw the paths you want your elevated paths to connect to:

[2.] Place some fences at the edge of the path(s) where you want your elevated paths to connect, to act as a makeshift ruler:

[3.] Create a perfect ditch where you wish to place the elevated path. It is imperative that you do this:

[4.] Fill the ditch with water. That way the terrain won't distort if you place the elevated path too low:

[5.] Place your elevated paths, but don't connect them to the normal paths just yet:

[6.] Ensuring there are no distortions in the terrain at this point, proceed to connect your elevated paths to your normal paths:

[.7] Enjoy the end result!

The neater you create the ditch and place the water, the neater your end result will be!

The ground can become very unstable and can become buggy, so it is best that once the elevated path is connected to leave it alone and not tamper with it. Once it distorts, the ground becomes bugged and it's very difficult to repair. If you wish to make a change near the elevated path, delete the elevated path first and then make your changes.

I hope this tutorial helped! If you have any questions regarding this tutorial, feel free to contact me.