Leaders & Government Workers Hiding Corona Numbers is a WAR CRIME.

Withholding Medical Care for political benefit, are Repression, Crimes Against Humanity & Crimes Against Peace. America cannot now hide from the standard established in Nuremberg by US Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson and enforced by America as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council.

Mrs. Vanderbilt will no longer publish the "official" / "confirmed" cases and deaths which will also increase the Mortality Rate. The reason is that some of the largest states are not reporting their numbers. Further, information and testing results are not current due to the weeks of delay for lab test results. Rather we are using our proprietary algorithm. Dr. Fauci has been made aware of our methodology and has not refuted it. Therefore, we are now publishing the following more realistic numbers:
  • 11 Million Total Cases

  • 300,000 Deaths

Emergency in Arizona, Florida & Texas

If you get sick with Covid-19, have a heart attack or stroke there is no room for you in any Hospital.

#StayInside or YOU WILL DIE

Ivanka on 50 Million Unemployed Americans, "Try Something New"

Let Them Eat Cake - or Beans

"We Were Just Following Orders"

What will these soldiers' defense be at their eventual trials


They should show it. 1) Sets them up for massive lawsuit, 2) reinforces the narrative that they are not conservative and have no morals e.g. Thou shall not bear false witness, 3) and perhaps most importantly it demonstrates the craziness that exists in society today and must be seen in order to counter with fact, science, logic, and morals. Unfortunately one way or another America and the world will have to pursue a policy of detrumpification and the only way to do it, like in 1945, it to expose Trumpism for what it is because it does exist even without Trump -- he just simply codified it.

Posse Comitatus

Trump Holds Coronavirus Briefing, Threatens to Send More Secret Police

A Closer Look

Steve Schmidt: Trump Must Be Defeated Or U.S. 'Will Be In An Irreversible Decline'

Trump's Niece Tell's All

“Nothing is ever enough. This is far beyond garden-variety narcissism; Donald is not simply weak, his ego is a fragile thing that must be bolstered every moment because he knows deep down that he is nothing of what he claims to be.”

“The fact is, Donald’s pathologies are so complex and his behaviors so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neuro-physical tests, that he’ll never sit for,”

"To hedge his bets, he enlisted Joe Shapiro, a smart kid with a reputation for being a good test taker, to take his SATs for him. That was much easier to pull off in the days before photo IDs and computerized records. Donald never lacked for funds, paid his buddy well."

Wharton Should Revoke Trump's Degree for Cheating on SATs

OK Kayleigh, then have Trump take the test NOW

Joe Biden would do it.

Finally, the Distraction from Corona and a Brewing American Civil War that Trump Desperately Needs

Unless Trump was Taped Too

Adam Schiff on Trump FINALLY facing charges after he leaves office

Brian Tyler Cohen)

Trump Freaking Out About Schools

Not the Children but his Re-Election

"We're very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools, to get them open,"the President said." We don't want people to make political statements or do it for political reasons. They think it's going to be good for them politically, so they keep the schools closed."

No, Donald you hypocrite, you want them OPEN for POLITICAL REASONS


Understanding Trump's Narcissism

Trump's Need for Praise, Blaming Others, or Inability to Finish Tasks are Due to Narcissistic Personality Disorder Which He Cannot Control

Mrs. Vanderbilt has Published Extensively on Trump's Narcissistic Personality Disorder and the Victims of Political & Personal Narcissism

"First, assume that the subject is lying and the more comfortable he appears the more he is lying. Therefore simply understanding that whatever the narcissist is stating believe that the opposite is true. The narcissist will stay with the lie even if they are faced with the truth. A normal person would admit the lie and feel shame and apologize whereas the narcissist will not only enhance the lie but will introduce new lies and severely criticize the person confronting them with the truth. For example, “only an uneducated loser would say the sun doesn’t rise in the west.” In fact, the narcissist can be so convincing of the lie and his reprimand of us for not seeing truth the way he does (despite truth and fact) that we start believing the narcissist and see the lie as truth."

AMERICA FIRST A Modern Fable: Special Post Impeachment Edition

Includes two essays:

A Treatise on the Victims of Political Narcissism & The Trump Responsa

So the Wealthy are Broke, Trump is really Broke, and those who call for lower taxes and smaller government are Hypocrites all while hard working Americans are begging for Food and Dying from the Trump Plague.

These monies should be returned and these people should be ostracized and their businesses boycotted.

#You Can't Put the Corona Back in the Bottle

America IS IN

A Co-Dependent Relationship

With a Narcissist

Concluding Section AddedGMT 05:20 19/04/2020 by Ari Newman

Here in Israel (I just finished with my Quarantine and can leave my house but no farther than 500 meters) we expect 22,000 Deaths against 1.5 Million Cases and this is a 1.4% Mortality Rate. For some perspective: World is 21%, Italy 36%, Spain 21%, Germany 5%, China 6%. Although only 750,000 Cases in America are Resolved the USA Mortality Rate has now dropped below 40% for the first time since I started tracking it on March 18. (Note: Mortality Rates are the percentage of deaths of Closed Cases and not Active Cases. Cases are resolved in two ways, either Recovered / Discharged or Death.)

Ironically Posted in Late April

Has Anything Changed?

The Good News is the most people will survive or at least used to. Millions of Deaths was what the London Report was trying to prevent. The Emergency right now is that 2 million Dead Americans (which is far less than 2 or 3% of 350 Million Americas) is likely not even possible anymore. The number is much closer to 10 Million Deaths and well over 100 Million Cases. To make matters worse 30 Million People don’t even have A DOCTOR (i.e. Health Coverage), we’re not letting them work, they have no money, we’re all in an Opioid and Obesity Epidemic while facing a Famine and somebody has 300 million guns. This is what you get for ignoring a variety of things. That is not directed at any person but to Humanity.


100% French Made

What If Fox News Covered Trump the Way It Covered Obama?


Coronavirus IX: Evictions: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver



Gavin Newsom Expects 25 Million Infections Expected in California

Explaining Why Testing No Longer Helpful

One Month Ago - Never Thought this Would Happen so Soon

America Creates Financial Problem to Solve a Biology Problem. WHAT?

Quarantine Day 8 0f 15 - March 22, 2020

by Ari Newman

I will continue to say it. If you want facts watch European English News or read The Times of Israel. I'm on day 8 of 15 in Quarantine here in Israel and we all here don't understand what is going on in America. There is NO CURE (ask your doctor) and it is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS and the mortality rate in America is shockingly high. In China they had 80K cases. In Israel (same population as NYC with over 10,000 cases in just the first week) we have 800 Cases and 1 Death and we are weeks ahead of America.

Quarantine Day 7 in Israel

Understanding Trump's Narcissism

I strongly urge you

watch it especially when you ask yourself "How could Trump do that to us, he would never - not to me I love Trump" or "He couldn't do that - no one would do that?"

When analyzing your confusion just remember about the narcissist:

Oh my gosh..."the person that I loved did not exist"! So true. I don't miss him, I miss who I thought he was. Comment by Alldoc

How to Prepare for Victims as they Unmask their Narcissist

This video will introduce you to what it's like to break away from a narcissist. It's called Unmasking and its not him revealing himself like Madoff, but you The Victim, doing the Unmasking. It takes a along time (6-18 months) and then there is Hoovering which lasts for years and becomes the most important and dangerous. I wrote 2 books on this about the Victims of Political Narcissism but this video is much more important to watch now. In fact start passing this video around because people are very confused.

This Diagnosed Narcissist in treatment (there is no cure) explains how people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder Do Not Feel Emotion or Empathy

Oh my gosh..."the person that I loved did not exist"! So true. I don't miss him, I miss who I thought he was. ALLdoc on Youtube

The Mueller Report Uncertainty

A Treatise on the Victims of Political Narcissism

Read FREE Here

PDF The Mueller Report Uncertainty ISBN 978-0-9986672-4-9


PDF Version

MOBI Version


Everything Below is Prior to Corona

After a year of Beta testing in February 2020 Mrs. Vanderbilt launched as a periodical -- how little did we know what was to become from Corona only a few weeks later.

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A Gilded Age Novel Series

Volume One


An alternate history novel series that introduces America's first royal family, their great rivalry with the Astors, and the story of three heiresses only one of whom is destined to be crowned "Mrs. Vanderbilt."