#You Can't Put The Corona Back in the Bottle

#You Cant Put The Corona Back In The Bottle

by Ari Newman

The projected number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the U.S. are shocking to me, especially when compared to our experience thus far in Israel. Most Israelis are currently riding out the virus at home and will be out of Phase 1 Quarantine in about 10 days. The projected number of coronavirus-related deaths in Israel is 20,000 against 1.5 Million Total Cases. While Passover in Israel will be muted this year as people emerge from quarantine and recover from the economic impact of lost wages, most within Israel travel restrictions will be lifted in April, and by May, students will be back in school and most Israelis will be back at work.

While the dire predicted numbers (from most optimistic to most pessimistic) of coronavirus cases and deaths in the U.S. are not entirely President Trump’s fault, he must resign immediately because his terrible handling of the crisis has caused most Americans to lose whatever confidence they had in his leadership. Trump has said, "I don't take responsibility for anything" and repeatedly down-played the impact the virus will have on American lives and the U.S. economy. Even when they hear facts and opinions from medical experts, epidemiologists and economists many Americans seem to assume it won’t really get that bad. And rather than taking aggressive steps to combat this new enemy, many Americans seem to hold an “it can’t happen here” position, whereas in Israel, we are attacking this enemy head-on.

All President Trump has to do is to convince Americans that they will receive government support so they can “shelter at home”, wash their hands, and avoid physical contact with people outside their household. After denying the need to take these steps for several weeks, it appears that Trump has finally been convinced by images and data from Italy and other countries that implementing these measures is required to save lives. Unfortunately, Trump can’t admit he was wrong, and he lacks the gravitas and credibility to lead from the top. Just watch the news on European TV because that’s what America will look like a few weeks down the road – only far worse.

Various algorithms and assumptions have been used to forecast incidence and outcomes of the coronavirus in each population segment. The London model forecast of 2,000,000 U.S. deaths is highly credible but due to the speed of transmission, the time to limit the number of deaths to that level is fading quickly. If the U.S. had implemented the Israeli approach two weeks ago, my algorithm projected only 750,000 deaths. Unless major changes happen NOW, we will quickly reach the point where 10,000 people will be dying each day in the U.S. and we will not be able stop it.


Hi I’m Donald J. Trump and I am a Narcissist. That means I only care about me and how great I am. I didn’t mean to kill 100 Million Americans but as a Narcissist I didn’t know I was doing that. They tell me that only 5% of Narcissists actually admit, understand, and mitigate the effects of their actions. You know there’s no Treatment for Narcissism so I’m in the top 95% compared to you all here in our group therapy on the Island of Saint Helena.

Therapist: Haven’t we talked about bragging about how great you are. Remember you did bring about the America Holocaust.

Trump: The best Holocaust ever - The Trump Holocaust – Some people call it a BLACK Holocaust for the Black Plague but I really think it’s a nice Gilded Gold HOLOCAUST.


Before I say anything – Bill Maher told you so.

I agree with what Jim Cramer said on CNBC when this all started just a few weeks ago. Cramer said, this is not a financial problem, this is a biology problem. How wiser we were then.

Since then we told each other how great we are all, we trained the millennials so hard they formed a Band of Brothers and marched right down for John Candy’s We’re at War so Let’s Get Drunk Wet-t-Shirt Contest, and allowed all of the America News Media to talk about our favorite thing $$$$$$$ rather than educating a population about a Biology Problem and what to do.

We had been hearing about Hurricane Corona for days and finally it has arrived. Of course we were in our finest Social Distance praying and eating all those delicacies that looked so golden brown one was even named for a king – some say. We chatted like little girls about being tested while the men decided who to blame and by doing so we became the virus.

The next day the Hurricane arrived from the east and people died around the word. And so it went day by day, week after week, month after month, and year after year and finally Millenia after Millenia, in honor of the millennials who died so bravely on those hollowed Florida Beaches. The Media glorified our leader to the bitter end who was awarding Never Captured Iron Trump Loser Cross while talking about how smart and rich he was. Through a Blind Curtain we served and followed. We were armed with Money lead by the Brigadier Kardashian and the call to duty, “I take no responsibility.”

Maybe Donald Trump’s Strategy is to use his money to buy a funeral parlor where no one dies. Oh, but he’s not Gordon Gecco. Well you know what, he’s not Donald Trump…the Donald Trump you thought you knew never really existed. You will miss Him, not the real Him, but the one you thought He was. A success at Casino Airline Real Estate Golf Trump University Trump Charity Trump Ties Trump Steaks Trump America.


The Media will naturally move to 24/7 live coverage on every channel once thousands of Americans are dead which will happen this week. If you are not in America now do not go and be prepared to not return for years. The governors are taking control because the federal government doesn’t know what to do and will not be able to survive as people finally learn the truth – unfortunately it is costing Millions of lives and stabbing our MAGA friends with a Trump Knife. The Only Knife you’ll ever need unless you’d like some Ivanka Trump Antoinette Cake topped with Jr. and Eric Prime Donald Trump Steaks.

If this family has any dignity left after killing 20 Million Americans Trump must resign now and I would suggests pleading with the King of Morocco but even he doesn’t want you. President Pence we need the Army to implement the Israeli Approach NOW (at least the Rescue and Recovery Operations – Prevention FAILED). The 750,000 written above is no longer achievable and millions of people could start to die within weeks. Within days going to a hospital will not even be an option. The good news for those who are on Lockdown and followed the rules, if the American health system still exists in two months it will at least be there to serve you. Between now and then the death rate is going to explode this week. Based upon my calculation the minimum number of American Deaths by the end of April is 600,000 and that would be a gift from heaven.

Since there was no national defense put in place prior to March 18 (2 Months after Worldwide Deaths passed 500 and then jumped one hundred times [not 100% but 100X] to 60,000 on February 20) and if California already has 25 Million Infections Ten (10) Million American could easily be DEAD by June 1st. It’s quite possible that the entire nation is trying to ski up an avalanche. I honestly cannot find anything the American Government did right. We are starting from scratch and aside from massive hospital overcapacity already (the ceremonial pitch hasn’t even been thrown), 50 Million infected people intertwined amongst 300Million (I hope and pray we are able to save that many), a complicit American News enterprise who still continue to run TV Commercials, 30 Million Americans with no health care and 300 Million Guns.

Where the hell is the BREAKING NEWS USA MAY BE INFECTED WITH A ONCE A MILLENIA BLACK PLAGUE. If you run regular commercials advertising things that are outside the house (WRONG MESSAGE) and appear as if everything is normal in between letting Trump talk about how much money he has and bailing out the Cruise and Hotel industries. Get America tuned in FAST. Do we need to put OJ back on the 405 for people to watch TV LIKE THERE IS Another 911. If they are watching TV it gets people in their homes and staying there. The only way to not get this virus is to sit at home and masturbate yes – you going home and masturbating will save lives. This is what every movie in the 80s was about and the Webcam sex people let’s go FREE PORN – ANYTHING TO SAVE LIVES.

How many Americans need to die before you get your head out of you know what. Tell us. We lost 3000 on 911 and we’re easily looking at 20 Million so at what number will you act and go to Breaking News. The time Media and Government should be in 911 Mode was Feb 1. The entire country should (no longer possible) have been told about this virus and that if certain protocols are strictly adhered to maybe we can all save 1,000,000 people together. A national goal and challenge with a beginning middle and end. Train Feb till D-Day Rescue till D-Day and Recovery. On Feb 1 there was no training nor a Historic Kennedy like national address instead we got nothing but Senators selling stock and the news people asking about tests that aren’t necessary for prevention anymore.

All we had to do was go on paid home Lockdown and watch TV for months so a virus doesn’t spread among us and kill us. Carlos (my dog) could have done that and he did with a3 Page “Trump Easy To Understand” goal and plan of action. Right now we need NASA People who can put a square peg in a round hole. Thank G-d we never had a nuclear meltdown (Corona is equivalent to 50) because Rick Perry would have been too busy in Ukraine wondering why he can’t fire the nuclear weapons at America with Donald Trump. It seems as if unknowingly while finishing the Cold War we had planted the seed for a Cold Civil War which has now ended in Millions of American Deaths if we’re lucky. World Leaders must come to aid and rescue Americans without COVID-19 because The Trump Plague now risks Life on Earth.

At this point 3 Million Deaths is a gift and people I trust and respect accept with ease 15 Million Deaths is quite possible given the American Federal Government failed response. People where is the alarm! It's not working notwithstanding the only thing people need to do is go home and stay there. Americans think this is something that requires action like "Quarantine" after a positive test. NO take the Action first to contain the spread and let the virus, like a fire, die out. It will kill itself. Fight the enemy you have not the enemy you want.

In Israel Corona is fought with TIME being the only wait to kill it. It is not treated through ACTION after taking a test. It is time in Quarantine for 14 days and that's all you have to do. IN FACT IT'S THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO. Ironically if Trump were to come out and say just go home, stay there and you'll be fine -- people would think he's nuts, yet ironically that's what would save everybody. If we're not careful Trump's gonna -- no WE are going to kill 100 Million Americans. Trump shouts it's China's fault, yet it's really ours because we didn't stay in our homes like we were told.

Even my dog, Carlos, is doing his part and he now has his own Facebook Group @OperationCarlosStayInsideAndPetMe! I named Operation Carlos in his honor because he is in quarantine too. We are both not allowed to go outside except for 3 walks a day and at certain times. Since I work from home, live only with my dog, and don’t travel I am most likely not infected. Although my 14 day quarantine will be over next week for another month I will still be in LOCKDOWN (better way to think about it) along with all my Jerusalem Neighbors.

America can still only have 3 Million Deaths and we certainly can prevent 15 Million people from dying. If you still aren’t inspired by the Israeli Army at Entebbe, the Six Day War, or the Yom Kippur War be inspired how Alan Turing broke Enigma with just two German words "Heil Hitler". The secret was in the math and not the language -- change the approach.