Mortality Rates

Mortality Rates are the percentage of deaths of Closed Cases - not Active Cases. Cases are resolved in two ways, either Recovered / Discharged or Death.

World Combined with all 50 American States

July 9, 2020 16:00 GMT

World 7% - USA 9%

Corona World Chart 09072020.xlsx

UPDATED 10:00 GMT April 20, 2020

World 21% - USA 36%

France 35% Italy 33% Spain 21%

Saudi Arabia 6% Germany 5% Israel 4%

Mortality Rates are the percentage of deaths of Closed Cases - not Active Cases. Cases are resolved in two ways, either Recovered / Discharged or Death.

Countries and all 50 States Individually with 1,000+ Cases
Corona World Chart.xlsx

UPDATED 10:00 GMT April 20, 2020

UPDATED 10:00 GMT March 30, 2020 - Countries with more than 1,000 Cases

Corona World Chart.xlsx