Welcome Letter

Dear First Grade Families,

Welcome to first grade at Center School! I hope that you have been enjoying your summer. I am so excited for the upcoming school year and to see you all very soon!

As the school year gets underway, I wanted to let you know that the first grade team will be creating a back-to-school bulletin board that combines photographs of all the first grade students from each classroom. To help us with this task, we are asking for all families to bring in a photo of your child (no larger than 4x6) on the first day of school so that they may be included. In addition, we would like for students to bring in a photo of their families to keep in their cubbies to help with the transition from home to school.

Within the first few weeks of school, our focus will be getting to know our classroom and our friends. With that said, I ask that you please write me a brief note sharing your insights about your child. Please feel free to include information about his/her social/emotional development, academic interests, and skills. Also, please let me know their favorite hobbies and interests. Please share any strengths or areas of growth that you feel are important for me to know in order to get to know your child better. In addition to this, I am asking for families to let me know how your child will be getting home from school.  A Student Dismissal Sheet  will also be provided within the first week of school to be returned as soon as possible.  

Please click on the supply list link on the left side of this page to see what supplies your child will need for the school year.  There are individual supplies that should be labeled with your child’s name. Please send these supplies within the first few days of school. All other supplies will be provided by the school.

Information about  lunch options will be available soon. Please check the Longmeadow Public School and Center School website where the menu will be posted. It is helpful if your child knows what he/she is eating each day and I appreciate your support with this daily routine. 

Lastly, one of the forms of communication utilized with families throughout the year is classroom websites.  On the classroom website, announcements will be posted along with snippets of what we’re learning. Please visit and bookmark the website link below for more information.  

Mrs. Silva https://sites.google.com/site/mrssilvaswebpage/home 

I am looking forward to meeting you and your child on Tuesday, August 29, 2023.  We will meet at 8:25 AM on the esplanade.  Teacher's names will be posted on signs where the students will line up.  I hope that you all enjoy these final days of summer! 

Thank you!

Mrs. Silva