
"Knowledge is experience. Everything else is information." ~Albert Einstein

Science is not history. It isn't reading about an experiment conducted by another. In fact, it isn't even following a carefully-scripted set of instructions that we often call a "lab". Science is a process. Science is I N Q U I R Y.

It is through personal involvement in an authentic science process that students become more intellectually able to make room in their minds for scientific facts, definitions, formulae, processes and science history lessons.

Below is authentic data collected by 7th grade students. Students brought an approved liquid from home, in which their group's cut flower would be placed for 9 days. With the help of technology, they were able to research, predict, catalog, analyze, question, and present their findings to each other using a variety of digital media and ICTs (information communication technologies).

Photos demonstrating qualitative data (taken by students using classroom ipad):

Findings of Group "CCA"

Quantitative data (table constructed using google docs spreadsheet)

6th Period Flower Lab Data