Earth's Surface


Folds & Faults

Uplift -- lifting of earth's crust, causing rocks to be exposed to weathering. 

Weathering -- Anything that wears rock down & breaks it into smaller pieces. Examples:  Wind, rain, sun, lichens

Erosion -- moving rock around from one place to another. Examples: water  & wind

2 ways to stop erosion are : planting plants & building retaining walls. 

Deposition -- Small pieces of rock are dropped by wind or water.

Cementation -- When dissolved minerals become a paste in the cracks of the sediment. It hardens over time to make a sedimentary rock. 

Could erosion & deposition happen without gravity???  No. Rock particles would not be moved downhill. They would not be deposited. In fact, there would be no running water at all!

A few events that could change earth's surface SLOWLY:        Processes that change it QUICKLY:

                       erosion                                                                                        mud slides

                       weathering                                                                                  earthquakes    
