Movie Poster Assignment


You are a young design team entering a competition being organized by the biggest movie production company in the world. They don't have a name or advertising theme to promote the movie. The movie is based upon Ancient Rome. Your job is to design a poster to help create "buzz" about the movie and encourage people to go see it. When you design the poster you will have to follow certain requirements and the winner of the contest will be judged using a specific rubric. When designing a poster you need to remember to follow laws of design. The poster needs to be balanced and have a specific theme. You also need to remember that a poster tells people who is in the movie, the title, the opening date along with any other important information. All this needs to be done without cluttering the poster.


You have just been hired as a movie poster designer for a big production company. You need to design a poster for the big up and coming Summer "Block Buster" film about Ancient Rome. You will pick the genre (romance, comedy, mystery, adventure, etc...) of the movie and its' subject. Your poster will need to be eye catching but informative at the same time so that you will attract millions of people to the opening night of the movie.

We will begin by researching movie posters on line. We will also look up elements of design and learn how to make a poster that flows well and is not cluttered or unbalanced. You will write one page synopsis of your movie including title, tag line, characters and plot summary.

The following are what you will need to do and be graded on:

    • creating a movie poster (100 points-Test Grade)

    • write a one page synopsis of your movie (20 points Quiz Grade)

    • 2 ideas for a movie (10 points HW Grade)

    • 2 layout mock-ups for your movie (10 points)

    • 4 sketches of different ideas for a main image (10 points)

    • Poster must be 12x18 inches

    • Poster must be balanced

    • Poster must incorporate text with images

    • Poster must not be overwhelming to look at

    • Poster must be visually stimulating

    • Poster must use formal elements of design

    • Poster must use of movie information (title, tag line, main actors/characters, release date, film rating, production credits, etc.)

This is to look like a real movie poster. Make sure to include all elements of a movie poster. All content on the poster is to REMAIN APPROPRIATE.

The Process:

1. Decide what your movie is going to be about and write a one page synopsis. The synopsis should plan out the basic parts of your film including genre, title, tag line, plot, and characters.

2. Make 2 different pencil sketches of the basic layout of your poster. Your layout should be 1/4 size of the final poster on a blank sheet of letter-sized paper. Create all of the text elements, including selecting fonts that suit the theme, mood and genre of your film. Required elements are:

Movie Title

Tag Line 1 (and 2, if necessary)


Production Credits

Film Rating

Release Date: September 12, 2008

3. Decide what your imagery is going to be.

-you will need to carefully compose this idea. Create at least 4 detailed sketches (1/4 of a page each ) of different ideas for your proposed graphic/photo

4. Create your movie poster according to the criteria above--


Here are some links for you to research while doing this project. Remember to ask yourself the questions that are listed above to work through this project.


Here is a rubric to show you what exactly it is you will be graded on for your final project. Be sure to read it before you start your poster, and make sure to refer back to it while you are working on your poster. Good luck.


Congratulations you have just completed your movie poster. Remember the important design elements and concepts you have learned throughout this assignment. Your poster will help attract many eager viewers to come and watch the next "Summer Block Buster."