The Punic Wars

Hannibal crosses the Alps with a force of elephants during the Second Punic War

The First Punic War

Roman Commander: Marcus Atilius Regulus

Carthaginian Commander: General Hamilcar

Why did the War Start? Romans and Carthaginians fought for control of the strategic island of Sicily

What Were the Results of the War? Rome wins in 241 B.C.E. and takes possession of Sicily

The Second Punic War

Roman Commander: Scipio Africanus

Carthaginian Commander: Hannibal

Why did the War Start? Carthage attacked a Roman town in Spain called Saguntum

What Were the Results of the War? Rome completely defeated Carthage taking all of its territory, ships, and money

The Third Punic War

Roman Commander: Scipio Aemilianus

Carthaginian Commander: Hasdrubal

Why did the War Start? In 149 B.C.E. the Carthaginians rebel against the Romans

What Were the Results of the War? Rome puts down the Carthaginian rebellion and destroys Carthage, selling the people into slavery and pouring salt into the farmland

Over this period of time, the Romans begin to conquer vast amounts of land across the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, civil war and other trouble was brewing at home in the city of Rome...

What were five reasons that the Roman conquest of the Mediterranean went well?

1. Romans are highly motivated because they are fighting for love of the REPUBLIC

2. Rome makes conquered countries into new allies

3. Rome’s army is the most powerful in the world (highly professional and paid)

4. Romans valued military success and that leads to powerful political roles (like Julius Caesar)

5. The wealth of conquered lands flows into Rome

What were five major domestic problems of the Romans during that time?

1. Food shortage because Carthaginians destroyed farmland during Punic Wars

2. Farmers are forced off their land and their jobs are taken by slaves

3. Farmers move into the cities but even THERE slaves take their jobs

4. In the city of Rome, there is MASSIVE unemployment, overcrowding and all the ingredients for trouble

5. Civil unrest (slave rebellion, farmers rise up) leads to political unrest, brings dictatorship like Julius Caesar

Territory during the First Punic War