Mentors Needed

The Missouri Section of Project NExT was set up in 2008, and has a goal of establishing links between the different types of institutions in Missouri and between graduate students and new faculty members in Missouri.

We are looking for volunteers to serve as mentors for our fellows. It is important for new faculty to receive one-on-one mentoring through their early years in order to grow professionally and succeed in their applications for promotion and tenure.

A mentor will be expected to keep in touch with their mentee throughout the year to provide guidance, perspective, encouragement and support. Fellows will be assigned mentors outside their institutions.

To become a mentor you should be a mathematics professor at a Missouri institution with tenure or at least six years of experience at an institution that does not grant tenure. If you are interested in serving as a mentor, please email the following information to either of the co-directors:

Samuel Chamberlin samuel dot chamberlin at park dot edu

Azadeh Rafizadeh rafizadeha at william dot jewell dot edu

Your name:

Your Institution:

Your Position:

Are you: Tenured or not on the tenure track.

Years you have taught at this institution:

Are you a: MO Section NExT Fellow/ National NExT fellow

If one of the above, what year fellow are you?

Professional areas of interest: