Citations and the Research Process


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Seeking Information:

Evaluate and Curate Your Information:

    • You need to evaluate the information you find and determine if passes the CRAAP test. Is it Current? Is it Reliable? What Authority wrote this? Is it Accurate? What is the Purpose of this document? Here is a form to fill out to help you determine if a source passes the test:
    • Curation is about gathering resources and items together to form a cohesive collection. This is what you do in research, you gather items together that will help you put together a cohesive and comprehensive final product. There are some great tools out there to help you gather this all into one place. Most of these are online and work across platforms, so matter what device you are using, you can access your research finds. Check out the Curation Tools page to find one that will best help you.
    • NOTETAKING: Watch this video tutorial on how to use NoodleTools to take notes and write an outline.

Cite Your Work

    • The best way to show all the research you have done and to avoid plagiarism is to cite your sources. This is a two step process, click on the links to learn more about these steps: