2015 Meeting

2nd Meeting d'immunologie Montréal immunology Meeting

Immune-stromal cell interactions

in health and disease

November 23, 2015 / 23 Novembre 2015

at / au

Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal

Keynote speakers / Orateurs principaux

Dr Alfred Singer (National Cancer Institute, USA)

Thymic stroma [more info

"How T cell specificity and function are determined in the thymus"

Dr Shannon Turley (Genentech, USA)

Stroma in the lymph node [more info]

You might be interested in attending to the Keystone symposium

on Stromal cells in immunity, organized in 2016 by Dr Shannon Turley.

Invited speakers / Conférenciers invités

Dr Aaron Marshal (University of Manitoba)

Stroma and leukaemia [more info]

Dr Ines Colmegna (McGill University)

Mesenchymal stromal cells [more info]

"Does mesenchymal stromal cell aging contribute to autoimmunity?"

Dr Martin Guimond (Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont)

Graft versus host disease [more info]

"Impact of graft-versus-host disease on stromal cells and immune reconstitution"

+ Poster sessions and student talks

+  Présentations des étudiants, affiches et à l'oral