Program / programme

  Symposium on “Host-Microbe Interactions”  

November 7, 2016 / 7 novembre 2016

Scientific Program/ Programme

8h00              Registration / Inscription

8h30              Welcome remarks / Mots de bienvenue

8h45              Keynote speaker I/1er orateur John Harty (University of Iowa)

                    "Opening Pandora's Box: Mechanisms that Impede Control of Blood-Stage Malaria"

9h40              Albert Descoteaux (Institut Armand Frappier, Laval)

                    "Targeting the host cell membrane fusion machinery to manipulate the immune response"

10h00            Hélène Decaluwe (Centre de recherche St. Justine, Montréal)

                           "Impact of cytokines on adaptive T cell responses to chronic viral infections"

10h20            Coffee break / Pause café

10h40            Arthur Mortha (University of Toronto)

                           "Microbial control of intestinal immune homeostasis"

11h35            Presentation des étudiants / talks by trainees

                          (10 min talks selected from abstracts / deux présentations de 10 min)

12h05            Lunch + posters session / Diner + présentations par affiches

13h30            Presentation des étudiants / Two 10 min. talks by trainees

                          (10 min talks selected from abstracts / deux présentations de 10 min)

14h00            Petronela Ancuta (CR-CHUM, Université de Montréal)

                    "Finding ways to prevent HIV replication and persistence in Th17 cells"

14h20            Maziar Divangahi (McGill University, Montréal)

                           "Diplomacy in Immunity to Infections: Host Tolerance"

14h40            Coffee break

15h00            Keynote speaker II//2me orateur principal principal David Sacks (NIH)

                    "Leishmania major persistence in a Th1 inflammatory setting: 

                            The role of M2-like dermis resident macrophages"

15h55            Closing remarks / mots de clôture