Cheolho Cheong

Post date: Apr 26, 2016 9:18:10 PM

We are very sad to learn of the sudden and premature passing of our colleague and friend Cheolho Cheong. He recently presented his latest work at the last MIM 5 à 7 on April 21st.

Cheolho was a valued member of the immunological community in Montreal: a laboratory director at the IRCM, Assistant professor at the Department of microbiology, infectiology and immunology, Université de Montréal and Adjunct professor at the Department of microbiology and immunology at McGill University.

Cheolho was an expert in dendritic cells function, studying their role in atherosclerosis and immunity against HIV. He loved interacting with fellow scientists and was always ready to contribute to their projects. He had active collaborations with many members of our community, who valued his passion, knowledge and devotion to science. He will also be remembered for his enthusiasm, friendly character and ease for conversation.

He will be sorely missed by our community, his wife and his young son and daughter.