Meetings d'Immunologie de Montréal Immunology Meetings

Le 5 à 7 


8 May 2024

Manu Rangachari, CR-CHUQ
The interplay of sex hormones and sex chromosomes dictates
outcomes in a Th17-driven model of progressive MS

Laurence Chapuy, CR-CHU Ste-Justine & RI-MUHC
Mucosal and lymphoid innate immune cells in inflammation
and fibrosis in inflammatory bowel disease

@ Pub l’Ile Noire

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5 à 7 Sponsored by / merci à nos commanditaires du 5 à 7

10eme colloque annuel  / 10th annual symposium

Immunological Memory: from adaptive to innate immune cells

7 Nov 2023

Dr. Susan Moir, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Sebastian Weis, Leibniz Institute, Universitätsklinikum Jena

Plus d'info ici / More info here


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Suivez le Réseau d'immunologistes de Montréal et d'ailleurs sur Twitter

About us

We are a group of researchers that took it upon us to organize various activities with the objective of bringing together the research and clinical immunology communities in and around Montréal. Our laboratories work on a varied selection of immunological topics, and we represent the major research institutions in the Greater Montréal.

Continuing in the tradition of our forerunner organization, Immunology Montréal, dissolved in 2013, we organize an annual symposium and informal "5 to 7" seminar series, as forums that foster knowledge, networking and collaborations between the members of the many laboratories working on immunology in the local scene.

Thanks to our generous sponsors we have also been able to offer yearly travel awards for students to attend the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Immunology.

À propos de nous

Nous sommes un groupe d’immunologistes travaillant dans les principales institutions de recherche du Grand Montreal.  

On vise à organiser des activités qui rapprochent la communauté locale des chercheurs oeuvrant dans tous les domaines de l'immunologie. 

Continuant la tradition de l'organisation Immunologie Montréal, on assure un colloque annuel, ainsi que la série de rencontres informelles "5 à 7"; en tant que forums favorisant la connaissance, les interactions et les collaborations entre la communauté. 

Grâce à nos généreux commanditaires nous sommes en mesure d'octroyer aussi de bourses de voyage pour des étudiants lors du congrès annuel de la Société canadienne d'immunologie.