Links, Articles, Cases
The following collection of links and articles addresses various issues of the economy, business, and professional ethics. You can also check my twitter feed for relevant and current cases.
Wordatlas: Biggest Industries in the US
5/14/2022: New York Times: The Rich Are Not Who We Think They Are. And Happiness Is Not What We Think It Is, Either.
4/20/2021: Are we facing a population collapse? (New York Times Article)
Also: Population Decline, Wikipedia.
4/5/2019: Ray Dalio: Why and how Capitalism needs to be reformed.
New York Times Editorial Board: The Jobs we need. June 24,2020.
5/9/2019: Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes (who made close to half a billion in 3 years of work) calls for breaking up Facebook.
4/12/2019: Uber wants to raise approx. $100 billion in their IPO, while the drivers barely make enough money: Uber IPO
Account Hacking at Yahoo and Equifax: What are the responsibilities? (
Pain killer companies: Should they be held accountable for Opiod epidemic? Ohio Lawsuit against Pharma Companies.
June 2017: New York Times: The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food.
The Editorial Board. “The Gig Economy’s False Promise.” The New York Times 10 Apr. 2017. Web. 10 Apr. 2017.
Krugman, P. (2015, February 9). Nobody Understands Debt. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Friedman, T.L., 2014. How to Get a Job at Google. The New York Times. Available at: [Accessed February 28, 2014]. They look for emergent leadership, rather than traditional leadership. At the appropriate moment, do you step back and stop leading, and do you let someone else lead? Because what’s critical to be an effective leader in this environment is you have to be willing to relinquish power.
Bittman, M., 2014. Rethinking Our “Rights” to Dangerous Behaviors. The New York Times. Available at: [Accessed February 26, 2014].
Indian Farmers commit suicide t high rates due to debt. Barry, Ellen, ‘After Farmers Commit Suicide, Debts Fall on Families in India’,The New York Times, 22 February 2014 <> [accessed 26 February 2014]
The future of jobs: “The Onrushing Wave.” 2014. The Economist, January 18.
A pretty amazing story of fraud. What are the drivers behind it? Creswell, Julie, and Reed Abelson. “Hospital Chain Said to Scheme to Inflate Bills.” The New York Times, January 23, 2014.
A Sneaky Path Into Target Customers’ Wallets: Cybercrime at Target. (NYTimes, 1/17/14.)
Who is responsible?
How far does Target's responsibility go?
What are the privacy issues involved?
Social Media as tools to pressure food companies. NYTimes, dec 31, 2013.
Zappos says goodbye to bosses. Washington Post, Jan 6, 2013. The retailer, owned by Amazon, reverses traditional management hierarchies. Does it work?
The Bitcoin Debate:
Paul Krugman's Opinion: Bitcoin is evil. New York Times, Dec 28, 2013.
Joe Wiesenthal, Business Insider: The Answer to Paul Krugman. Dec 30, 2013.
Bubbles, Banks, and Bitcoin. Forbes, Dec 30,2013.
Patent rights against the need of the poor in India. New York Times, Dec 29, 2013. How much can drug companies charge for medication they developed?
Hiring practices in China. New York Times, Dec 29, 2013. Is it ethical when companies hire children of high government officials in order to secure government contracts?
We are the 99.9%. By Paul Krugman. NYTimes, Nov 4, 2011. He argues that the 99 percent slogan is great, but it actually aims too low. A big chunk of the top 1 percent’s gains have gone to an even smaller group, the top 0.1 percent.
American Express gets fined over Credit Card practices. They have to pay 75 Million, and they got penalized a year earlier for similar practices, for a 85 million. When, and how, will they learn not to scam their own customers?
Job reduction due to innovation? Nearly half of US jobs could be at risk of computerization over the next 20 years, Oxford Martin School study shows. Transport, logistics, and office roles most likely to come under threat. September 19, 2013.
Questions for Free-Market Moralists. Article in the New York Times, Oct 10, 2013, by by Amia Srinivasan. He argues against Robert Nozick's free-market philosophy, that a just society is simply one in which the free market operates without constraints.
Is any exchange between two people in the absence of direct physical compulsion by one party against the other (or the threat thereof) necessarily free?
Is any free (not physically compelled) exchange morally permissible?
Do people deserve all they are able, and only what they are able, to get through free exchange?
Are people under no obligation to do anything they don’t freely want to do or freely commit themselves to doing?