The benefits of acupuncture as an alternative medicine

Lake Arrowhead:

Renew your Mind,

Body & Spirit

When I feel like getting away from it all, I convince my husband to take a short trip to Lake Arrowhead for a couple of days. Just the thought of being in the picturesque Alpine resort town sends tingling sensations down my spine! What is not to love about being on the lake, listening to the breeze sweeping through the pine trees, walking through their Swiss Alps-inspired village, visiting their specialty shops, coffee houses, and eating in their unique restaurants. We dream of living there someday!

The Lake Arrowhead Resort and Spa

By: Tiffiny Griffith

Acupuncture is a healing modality used by people of all ages and cultures around the world. One interesting growing trend is the use of acupuncture by healthy men and woman between the ages of 30 and 40. Preventative health care is a responsibility we must all start to take more seriously. Most of us cannot afford to become sick or ill in this day and age. With the growing cost of living few of us can afford to miss a single day of work.

Acupuncture is a wonderful addition to preventative health care. It may date back to the Stone Age and is believed to have originated from China. It is considered an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through the years archaeologists have uncovered needles of stone, bronze, gold and silver. Today the preferred choice and most widely used is stainless steel.

Acupuncture is the practice of inserting very thin needles into the body along the meridians. The meridian is an imaginary line that energy flows through. This energy is sometimes called Qi, Chi, or life force depending on where you live. By inserting the needles along the meridians the practitioner is able to put your body back into balance by the manipulation of the energy. Blockage in the energy along the meridian line can throw your body out of whack. Putting you body back into balance is important for your overall health and well-being.

Acupuncture treats the emotional, physical and mental bodies creating a harmonious flow between the three. This practice treats a wide variety ofpain, illness, and disease from one extreme to the other. The idea of using this method of practice for preventative care is brilliant. There is much to be said for treating an ailment that is threatening to arise before it has a chance to rear it's ugly head.

Before a treatment the practitioner does a full assessment and evaluation of your situation and overall health. After your evaluation is complete, a treatment plan is drawn up and put into action. Depending on the findings during the evaluation, the acupuncturist may make suggestions of things that the patient can do along with the acupuncture. Such as vitamins and supplements, lifestyle changes, exercise, meditation, breathing techniques, and traditional medical practices if necessary. Acupuncture is a technique that works well with other alternative practices, traditional medicine and or as a singular practice on its own.

This movement of preventative health care through acupuncture that is being put into play by the men and woman in their 30s and 40s seems to be drawing a certain amount of attention. Preventative health care at any age and in any form is a wise and responsible choice.

Many insurance companies are recognizing the importance of acupuncture as a form of treatment and as a preventative health care method by offering coverage to their policyholders. Check with your insurance company, you may be surprised with coverage you didn't even know you have.

The Recently remodeled Lake Arrowhead Resort and Spa is a home away from home. The interior of the hotel is reminiscient of a ski lodge with Native American vibe.

Each of their guest rooms are elegantly decorated, and very comfortable. It is very easy to relax and not leave your room for a few days.

If you do't believe me, take a look at the picture below:

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