2011 - 2012 Charity Season
Post date: Sep 09, 2011 5:30:14 PM
First of all I would like the thank Sarah Peasley for her tireless work as the Charity Coordinator for the MMKG in the past. I cannot attempt to fill her shoes, but will at least make an honest effort.
For the 2012-2013 guild year our focus will be on local charities. A much smaller scale than from the past years, but I would gladly encourage you to continue knitting for others as you deem fit.
This year we will be working on
Lansing Comfort Bear Project provides hand knit bears for LPD officers and detectives to give children during house stops, raids, interviews, etc. (ongoing – with a current urgent need)
Preemie Items for our annual donation to the NICU at Sparrow Hospital in memory of Kristi Garcia's son Eli. (November)
MMKG Hat/Mitten Contest is our expected annual fun event with items going towards Haslett Public Schools in appreciation for the use of their wonderful facility. (December)
Scarves for the 2012 Special Olympics in Mt. Pleasant - Debbie Warnaar will be collecting for these. (end of the year?)
As far as I know we will be continuing ‘Knitting for Others’ on the 4th Sunday of each month from noon to 4:00 p.m. in the Chapbook Cafe at Schuler's in the Eastwood Towne Center.
Additional information and links on these projects are located below.
Thank you! Eunice