Welcome to the Mid-Michigan Knitters Guild
The Mid-Michigan Knitters Guild is a group of fiber enthusiasts who love getting together to talk about our adventures with fiber and improving our skills. We welcome everyone to join us for our next meeting. Just drop by! So take some time to learn about us here. Feel free to email with any questions midmiknittersguild@gmail.com
email: midmiknittersguild@gmail.com
mailing address:
MMKG c/o
Adornment by Kate Wilcox-Leigh
P O Box 72
Williamston, MI 48895
Next Meeting
January 21, 2025
This Meeting Has Been Canceled Due to Weather
February 18, 2025
History of Knitting with Meg Croft
Meg will present part 3 of her popular History of Knitting series. Check out Woven Art's website here: https://www.wovenartshop.com/
Charity: Warm hats and scarves for the Emergency Room.
Meeting Location
Monthly Guild Meeting
Please join us the third Tuesday of the each month starting in September going through May. We meet at 6:30 pm in the basement meeting room of the Haslett School Administration building located at 5593 Franklin Street; Haslett, MI 48840.
Social time 6:30-7:00pm
Program starts at 7:00pm *
Meeting conclusion usually at 9:00pm
In between our guild meetings we meet for a more casual informal time to knit and share at our knit-ins. You do NOT have to be a member to participate. The locations vary - please see Calendar for more information. Sometimes we meet at the home of a member. Please email us at midmiknittersguild@gmail.com for more information! Sometimes the group is quite large so please help the hostesses and bring a dish to pass. Anything is always welcome and appreciated.
Current Officers
President: Teresa L.
VP/Programs: Rita B.
Secretary: Jane
Treasurer: Debbie W.
Hospitality & Door Prizes: Elizabeth B.
Newsletter: Irene A.
Knitting for Others: June R. & Catherine H.
Facebook Page: Teresa L.
Webmaster: Kate W.
Sponsoring Businesses
Thank you for your generous donations for our monthly door prizes and special events!