Winter/Summer Camp (2015-2016)

Camp Theme: "Wireless Sensors and Systems"


During the Winter and Summer break, our group regularly opens "Winter/Summer Camp" for interested undergrad students.

The purpose of these Camp activities is to gain hands-on experience on building some real-world wireless systems.


The specific topics of the Camp typically change every semester, but they are, in one way or another, related to wireless communication systems.

Here is a list of recent Camp topics:

If you would like to sign-up, please check the Department Announcement.

Please note that new Camp is usually announced at the end of each semester (i.e. June for Summer Camp, Dec for Winter Camp).


We welcome your ideas on the next Camp topics, or any suggestions. Please feel free to email Prof. Seo.

2016 Winter Camp: "AM radio" and "FM wireless microphone"

Custom PC boards were designed this time, and most teams successfully built working radios and wireless microphones.

 2016 Summer Camp: "AM radio" and "AM wireless microphone"


2015 Winter Camp: "Radar sensor module with Arduino board" 



2015 Summer Camp: "AM radio and FM wireless microphone"