
Methacton Music Booster By-Laws

Adopted 1970, revised 1975, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1989, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2013, 2020

Article 1—Name

The name of the organization will be the "Methacton Music Boosters."

Article 2—Purpose

The purpose of the organization will be to provide moral support, and financial and volunteer assistance to the Methacton School District music programs and their professional leadership.

Article 3—Membership

Membership will be available to any parent/guardian of a current or previous student involved in the Methacton School District Music Department interested in promoting the purpose of the Methacton Music Boosters.

Article 4—Officers

a. The officers of the organization will be president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.

b. Election of the officers will be held annually.

c. Officers may be elected to serve in the same office for not more than two consecutive years. This two-year term limit may be extended by 2/3 vote of the members in attendance at a general membership meeting.

d. If a solitary individual cannot be found to assume the duties of any one of the board positions, two members may be elected to share the position as co-officers.

e. Officers must have a student(s) currently enrolled in the Methacton School District.

Article 5—Elections

a. Voting rights will be extended to members who have attended a minimum of 2 meetings in the past 12 months.

b. Election of officers will be decided by simple majority votes collected by secret ballot at a spring general membership meeting. If there is only one nominee for each position, the vote can be collected by show of hands at a spring general membership meeting.

c. Prior to voting, nominations will be accepted from the floor.

d. Absentee ballots may be obtained from the secretary by any member desiring to vote in an election of officers. The ballot must be returned to the secretary in a sealed envelope to be opened at the election meeting.

e. Each member has one vote and no proxy votes will be accepted.

f. New officers will take office on or before July 1st following the election. All officers will deliver all official materials to their successors within thirty days of the election.

Article 6—Duties of Officers

a. The president will:

  • Preside at all meetings of the organization

  • Act as executive officer

  • Perform all duties usually associated with the office

  • Enforce a strict observance of the by-laws

  • Appoint special committees as required

b. The 1st vice president will:

  • Assist the president in such a manner as the president may direct

  • Preside at meetings in the absence of the president

  • Will serve as the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee

c. The secretary will:

  • Keep accurate records of meetings of the organization

  • Present minutes of the previous meeting at each executive board and general membership meeting for approval

  • Prepare and submit forms necessary for Methacton Music Boosters functions

  • Keep a file of correspondence and committee records and reports

d. The treasurer will:

  • Be custodian of all funds of the organization

  • Keep accurate records of all income and disbursements

  • Pay all invoices for approved activities

  • Maintain bank accounts

  • Present a complete financial report at each executive board meeting for approval

  • Present a summary financial report at each general membership meeting

Article 7—Management of Funds

a. The fiscal year will begin on July 1 and end on June 30.

b. Only officers are authorized to sign checks. Purchases of $500 or more must have pre-approval from two members of the executive board.

c. At the conclusion of any activity or fundraiser, only an Executive Board member or their designee is permitted to take charge of the funds.

Article 8—Executive Board

a. The Executive Board will consist of the officers of the organization as defined in article 4, the General Fundraising Coordinator and directors of the MHS music programs. The music directors will be ex-officio, non-voting members of the organization.

  1. The duties of the Executive Board will be to transact necessary business of the organization.

  2. The Executive Board will appoint chairpersons of all committees, including the General Fundraising Coordinator. Any vacancy occurring in the leadership of any committee will be filled by a member appointed by the Executive Board as soon as possible.

  3. Any member of the Executive Board may be replaced by 2/3 vote of members in attendance at a special general membership meeting.

  4. The Executive Board will provide for the auditing of the finances of the organization and make this report available at the first general membership meeting of the next fiscal year.

Article 9—Meetings

  1. General Membership meetings will be held once per month. Meetings may be cancelled at the discretion of the President.

  2. A quorum will be necessary to conduct business.

  3. A quorum at General Membership meetings will consist of a minimum of 3 members of the Executive Board and 2 members of the General Membership present and voting.

  4. Voting rights will be extended to members who have attended a minimum of 2 meetings in the past 12 months.

  5. Resolution of all disputes will be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.

Article 10—Committees

a. The General Fundraising Committee will consist of a Coordinator and chairpersons of the individual fundraising projects.

1. Chairpersons will provide to the Coordinator a preliminary report of individual fundraising project within 48 hours.

2. A written report of the fundraising project (including all income and expenses) will be submitted to the Coordinator within two weeks.

3. The General Fundraising Coordinator will submit a year-end report to the Executive Board summarizing all fundraising projects undertaken throughout the year.

  1. A Nominating Committee comprised of the vice president and three other members of the Executive Board will recommend at least one nominee for each office by March 31. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before being made public.

  2. Special Committees may be appointed by the President as needed.

  3. A By-laws committee will be appointed by the president in March of years ending in zero and five or as deemed necessary by the President to consider revisions and additions to the by-laws.

1. Proposed revisions to the by-laws may be submitted to the executive board at any time.

2. Proposals will be published, and one-month notice will be given prior to the vote for approval of any revisions.

3. Revisions will be approved by a simple majority vote of members present at a general membership meeting.

4. Absentee ballots may be obtained from the secretary by any member desiring to vote in a change in by-laws. The ballot must be returned to the secretary in a sealed envelope to be opened at the election meeting.

Article 11—Scholarship Fund

a. A General Scholarship Fund will be financially supported from the general operating budget. The amount to be contributed to the Fund will be confirmed annually by the executive board.

b. Each year, up to three Methacton HS music students will receive a monetary scholarship award that will be payable at the time of high school graduation.

1. One scholarship will be awarded to a graduating student who is pursuing music as their major in college. This will be known as the “MMB Music Major Scholarship”.

2. Up to two scholarships will be awarded to graduating students who are going on to any post high school education. These will be known as the “MMB Music Alum Scholarship”.

3. An increase or reduction of the number of scholarships awarded in any given year may be approved by the executive board.

c. The scholarship amount of $1000 can be modified by the executive board based on financial ability to fund the scholarships.

d. If the financial status of the organization cannot support the Scholarship Fund in a given year, suspension of the Scholarship fund will occur upon majority vote of the Executive Board.

e. A Scholarship Committee will determine the recipients of the scholarships. The Scholarship Committee will consist of 3 members of the Executive Board and 2 members of the general membership. A member of the Scholarship Committee may not be the parent or guardian of a student under consideration for a scholarship.

f. Applicants for the scholarship must adhere to the guidelines listed in the Scholarship Application listed in Appendix A.

Article 12—Tax Exempt Status

a. The Methacton Music Boosters will be a tax exempt registered organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS tax code.

b. Per IRS tax code all fundraising proceeds will be allocated as general funds for the benefit of all music students. Specific portions of fundraisers will be allocated for budgetary items and for special music department trips. The funds will be shared equitably across all students participating.

Article 13—Dissolution of the Organization

a. Upon dissolution of the organization, all outstanding invoices will be paid.

b. After the payment of all outstanding invoices, all non-allocated funds will be returned to the Methacton HS Activities Account for exclusive use of the music department.

Appendix A

· Music Major Scholarship Application

· Non-Music Major Scholarship Application


Music Major Scholarship ~ Eligibility Requirements

The student must:

1. Be a graduating senior from MHS.

2. Have participated in at least one music activity (performing group) at MHS.

3. Be accepted at a college or university as a Music Major.

4. Be recommended by four MHS faculty (one from the music faculty).

5. Be of excellent character.

6. Display academic achievement commensurate with ability.

7. Submit this application by __________________ to Mr. McCoach.

General Information – please type or print neatly





Please submit:

1. Your letter of acceptance as a music major at the university of your choice

2. A typed resume of your credentials including all music activities/honors and other school activities/honors.

3. One of your college application essays.

If selected, winners will be awarded their Scholarship upon graduation.

I hereby apply for the Methacton Music Booster Music Major Scholarship and certify that the information supplied on this application is accurate.

Signature of

Applicant_ Date


I, the undersigned, endorse and recommend the applicant for the Methacton Music Booster Scholarship based upon their character and scholarship.

(Faculty) (Faculty) (Faculty) (Music Faculty)


for Non-Music Majors

Eligibility Requirements

The student must:

1. Be a graduating senior from MHS.

2. Have participated in at least one music department activity/performing group at MHS.

3. Be accepted at a post high school technical institute, college or university for study in any discipline.

4. Be recommended by 4 MHS faculty, one from the music department.

5. Be of excellent character; show spirit, leadership and commitment.

6. Display academic achievement commensurate with ability.

7. Submit this application by __________________ to Mr. McCoach.

General Information – please type or print neatly





Please submit:

1. A copy of your acceptance at a post high school institute of higher learning

2. A typed resume of credentials including all music & school activities/honors

3. A copy of your college application essay or statement of purpose

If selected, winners will be awarded their Scholarship upon graduation.

I hereby apply for the Methacton Music Booster Music Alumni Scholarship and certify that the information supplied on this application and attached documentation is accurate.

Signature of

Applicant_ Date

MHS Faculty Recommendations:

I, the undersigned, endorse and recommend the applicant for the Methacton Music Booster Music Alumni Scholarship based upon their character and scholarship.

(Faculty) (Faculty) (Faculty) (MusicFaculty) _