

Advanced Microeconomics I: Consumers, Firms, Markets - University of St. Gallen, Master level (compulsory) - Fall 2020

Summary: This course develops the classical theory of consumer and firm behavior and explains how agents interact in markets. It demonstrates how general equilibrium in perfectly competitive markets ensures maximum welfare, given resource constraints. The main topics are:

Corporate Finance, Banking and Venture Capital (jointly with Christian Keuschnigg) - University of St. Gallen, Master level - Spring 2019-23

Summary: The lectures introduce into the economics of corporate finance and emphasize the role of venture capital and bank credit in financing firms. How can monitoring by banks ease financial constraints and mitigate credit rationing? Which firms are suitable to bank financing, capital markets, and venture capital? How can venture capital help firms raise more capital and grow larger? How can policymakers prevent bank runs and panics or correct financial distortions like `Zombie lendingʹ by under‑capitalized banks that hamper growth?


Makroökonomik I: Übungen und Selbststudium - University of St. Gallen, Assessment level - Spring 2013-16, 2020-23

Mikroökonomik I: Übungen und Selbststudium - University of St. Gallen, Assessment level - Fall 2013-16, 2019-22


The Next Generation initiative encourages young scientific talents to inform decision makers and the public about new scientific discoveries. The best students summarize the key findings from selected publications in leading scientific journals. These empirical and theoretical principles find their way into politics and business in a clear and well edited, abridged form. Students gain experience in publishing and passing on their scientific knowledge to a broad audience. 

Find more information and recent articles here.

Find the new ebook Die Wirtschaft im Wandel edited by Christian Keuschnigg and Michael Kogler and published by Springer Gabler here.