Step 5: Multimedia Data

Complete your data with visual materials of your targets to be able to do a better presentation of your mission. Choose one of the following options.


    1. OPTION 1.-Make a digital collection of images of the targets (celestial bodies) of your mission. Include at least 8 images, collecting the following data for each image:
              1. Represented object.
              2. Kind of image (artistic representation, real image, spectral representation).
              3. Original web direction.
              4. Author (or responsible Institution).
    2. OPTION 2.-Make a video with Google Earth* where you show the targets of your mission. *Google Earth is a free, downladable program. It may present some difficulties in its usage.
    3. OPTION 3.-Make a video with Celestia* where you show the targets of your mission. *Celestia is a free, downladable program. It may present some difficulties in its usage.
