Credits, Licenses and Contact


This activity has been built and designed by Jordi Domènech and Neus Ruiz, Science Teachers at Institut de Granollers. This activity is part of the educational C3 Project (Creation of Scientific knowledge) and the collection of Problem-Based Learning activities on Astronomy Astrono-Me.


We offer the following materials under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0) license (you are free to remix and adapt the work, citing the original authors. Use for commercial purposes is not allowed).

  • The didactic sequence, the web site and its images.
    • The files (Ship's log and materials) created ad hoc for this didactic sequence.

Header image has been composed from original images from NASA, from the public domain.

Materials excluded from this general license:

The Poster used to localize the celestial bodies has its own License.


We'd be grateful if other education or research professionals can suggest us modifications or add new steps to the didactic sequence. We can eventually add it to the site, together with your name and contact details (with a License identical to the rest of the website). An easy space to do so is the Additional Tasks Space. Comments and suggestions are welcome,

Jordi Domènech Casal | | @jdomenechca |