Step 3: Design your spacecraft and evaluate your Mission

Your Space Telescope will need to use several detectors and Solar Panels to get energy for these detectors. In this Step you will calculate the energy requirements and detectors you need, and construct a 3D model.


    1. Read the goals you set in Step 1 and select in the Detectors and Equipment list which Detectors will need your Solar Panel.
    2. Calculate the total energy your Space Telescope will need to complete the mission and the number of Solar Panels needed.
    3. Calculate the total cost of your Space Telescope.
    4. Evaluate your Mission.To know how will the E.S.A. evaluate your Mission, calculate with the following formula:
    5. Index of your Mission = ( 300 x Value of your Mission ) - cost of your Mission.

Compare your results with those of the other teams. If you see that the Index for your Mission is too low, propose and undertake improvements. Some examples:

    • Could you get a better index by sharing goals with another mission?
    • Changing one of your goals?
    • Looking for a closer Target for one of your goals?
    • Working on just two goals instead of three?


    • Read at your Ship's Log the list of detectors, Equipments, and requirements