
Working Papers and work in progress

Universal Investments in Toddler Health: Learning from a Large Government Trial (with Jenifer L. Baker, Lise G. Bjerregaard, Christian M. Dahl, Torben S. D. Johansen and Emil N. Sørensen) under submission

   Available as IZA DP here, updated version here, Technical Appendix on Data Transcription here

see Altinget (in Danish) (Forsker: Tidlig indsats i sundhedsplejen giver gevinst i generationer - Altinget: Børn )

Peers and Maternal Mental Health (with Jonas Cuzulan Hirani and Anne Toft Hansen),  R and R at the Review of Economics and Statistics

Cesarean Section, Childhood Health, and Schooling: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Denmark, Norway and Sweden (with Jessica á Rogvi, Aline Bütikofer, Lone Krebs, Hanna Mühlrad), under review.

Child benefits and the well-being of new families (with Jonas Cuzulan Hirani, Rune Vammen Lesner and Hans Henrik Sievertsen)

Good Nurses (with Emil Sørensen)

Maternal Mental Health and Family Well-being. Descriptive Evidence from a Population Screening Program (with Jonas Cuzulan Hirani and Louis Freget)