
Welcome to my personal web page.

I am an associate professor at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, and CEBI - The  Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality. I am affliated with The Danish Center for Social Science Research

I am a research fellow at IZA, a CESifo Research Network Fellow and an associate editor at the Journal of Health Economics (July 2020-).

My research focuses on health and family economics, and I am particularly interested in the effects of early interventions on children's and families' well-being.

To learn more about my research, please check out the menu at the top - or download my cv.

WinE DK - Women in Economics Denmark

Interested in the Danish network of female economists - visit us at https://www.economics.ku.dk/Wine 

Kick-off event on "Women in economics - Status quo and ways forward", November 19, 2020

program and recorded sessions are available on https://www.econ.ku.dk/kalender/workshopkonference/women-in-economics-day/ 

Link to list of female DK economists - click here!