
Publications (Econ)

Jonas Cuzulan Hirani and Miriam Wüst: Reminder Design and Childhood Vaccination Coverage, accepted at the JHE. Available as IZA DP here

Jonas Cuzulan Hirani, Hans Henrik Sievertsen and Miriam Wüst, 2023: Beyond Treatment Exposure—The Impact of the Timing of Early Interventions on Child and Maternal Health, Journal of Human Resources (earlier versions available as IZA DP 13485 and CEBI Working Paperaccepted version

Wüst, Miriam. 2022. "Universal Early-Life Health Policies in the Nordic Countries." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 36 (2): 175-98. 

Jonas Cuzulan Hirani and Miriam Wüst, 2022: Nurses and Infant Vaccination Coverage, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 196, 402-428. 

Jonas Maibom, Hans Henrik Sievertsen, Marianne Simonsen and Miriam Wüst, 2021: Maternity ward crowding, procedure use and health. Journal of Health Economics, 75 (2021): 102399.

see weekendavisen (in Danish) (

Maya Rossin-Slater and Miriam Wüst, 2020: What is the Added Value of Preschool for Poor Children? Long-Term and Intergenerational Impacts and Interactions with an Infant Health Intervention. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 12 (3): 255-86. 

Miriam Gensowski, Nete Munk Nielsen, Torben Heien Nielsen, Maya Rossin-Slater and Miriam Wüst, 2019: Childhood Health Shocks, Comparative Advantage, and Long-Term Outcomes: Evidence from the Last Danish Polio Epidemic,  Journal of Health Economics, 66: 27-36. 

Maya Rossin-Slater and Miriam Wüst, 2018: Child Support Obligations and Parental Responses: Evidence from Administrative Data, Journal of Public Economics, 164, 183-196.

Miriam Wüst, Thorkild I.A. Sørensen, Merete Osler and Erik Lykke Mortensen, 2018: Universal infant health interventions and young adult outcomes, Health Economics. 2018;1–6.

Hans Henrik Sievertsen and Miriam Wüst, 2017: Discharge on the day of birth, parental response and health and schooling outcomes, Journal of Health Economics, vol 55, 121-138.

Jonas Hjort, Mikkel Sølvsten and Miriam Wüst, 2017: Universal investments in infants and long-run health - Evidence from Denmark's 1937 home visiting program, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 9(4), 78-104- (

    see also:

Hanne Kronborg, Hans Henrik Sievertsen and Miriam Wüst, 2016: Care Around Birth, Infant and Mother Health and Maternal Health Investments - Evidence From a Nurse Strike, Social Science and Medicine 150, 201-211.

Miriam Wüst, 2015: Maternal prenatal employment and birth outcomes--Evidence from Danish siblings, Health Economics, 24(6).

Vibeke Myrup Jensen and Miriam Wüst, 2015: Can Caesarean section improve child and maternal health? The case of breech babies, Journal of Health Economics, 39, 289-302.

Miriam Wüst, 2012: Early interventions and infant health: Evidence from the Danish home visiting program, Labour Economics, 19, 484-495.

Publications (Health, Policy)

Lise G Bjerregaard, Miriam Wüst, Torben SD Johansen, Thorkild IA Sørensen, Christian M Dahl, Jennifer L Baker, 2023: Cohort Profile: the Copenhagen Infant Health Nurse Records (CIHNR) cohort. International Journal Of Epidemiology,

Miriam Wüst, 2009: German family policy at the crossroads: analysing the impact of parental leave reform through simulation, International Journal of Social Welfare, 18(4):407-418.

Policy reports and (Permanent) Working Papers (in Danish and English)

Breastfeeding support and infant first-month health care usage—Evidence from the roll-out of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) in Denmark (with Ingeborg H. Kristensen, Ida Lykke Kristiansen, Bjarne Laursen)

Trivsel og hverdagsliv i danske småbørnsfamilier under covid-19-nedlukningen foråret 2020 

Sundhedsplejerskeindsatsen i Danmark

Dit første barn - Evaluering af et universelt forældrekursus udbudt til førstegangsforældre i Frederiksberg Kommunes Sundhedspleje; Notat 2

Dit første barn - Evaluering af et universelt forældrekursus udbudt til førstegangsforældre i Frederiksberg Kommunes Sundhedspleje Notat 1: Baseline

Øjebliksbilledet 2017. Sundhedsordninger for børn og unge 1.1.2017