Publications/communications 2016

Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture

    • Labeyrie, V., Thomas, M, Muthamia, Z.K., Leclerc, C. (2016) Social organization of crop diversity: Ethnolinguistic and residential homophily shape sorghum seed exchange networks on Mount Kenya, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 :98–103 [pdf]
    • Thomas, M., S. Caillon (2016), Effects of social status of farmers and biocultural value of plants on seed circulation networks in Vanuatu, Ecology & Society, 21(2):13 [html]
    • Violon, C., M. Thomas, E. Garine (2016), Good years, bad years : changing strategies, changing networks ? A two-year study of seed acquisition in Northern Cameroon, Ecology & Society, 21(2):34 [html]
    • Wencelius, J. , M. Thomas, P. Barbillon, E. Garine (2016), Interhousehold variability and its effects on seed circulation networks: a case study from northern Cameroon, Ecology & Society, 21(1):44 [html]

Communications orales / posters

    • Garine (E.) and MIRES / MADRES collective, 2016 - Which scale to understand landraces concepts and seed fluxes in subsistence/peasant societies ? Snapshots from the tropics. The Commons, Plant Breeding and Agricultural Research. How to face the challenges of an increasing world population and the preservation of agrobiodiversity. International Workshop, Maison Française d’Oxford, 29-30 septembre 2016. Conférencier invité.
    • Raimond (C.), Garine (E.), Baikara (M.), Aoudou Doua (S.), 2016 - Who's climate ? Who's change ? Various views from rural Northern Cameroon. "Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change", British Museum, London, 27-29 May 2016.
    • Garine (E.), Raimond (C.), Luxereau (A.), Robert (T.), 2016 - Des plantes, des humains, des sociétés dans le bassin du Lac Tchad : trois histoires anciennes de destins croisés. Colloque Domestication et communautés hybrides. Cohabiter, coévoluer, coopérer. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle / Musée du quai Branly, 14-16 avril 2016.