2014 Fall Meeting

The fall meeting of the Society will take place on Saturday, October 4 at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, in Duluth, MN. I have attached a document with information about local hotels (many offer discounts), for those who may wish to spend a night.

I am pleased to announce that William Lycan (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) will be this year's keynote speaker. In addition, Prof. Lycan will be giving a public talk at 5:30 pm, on the Friday before the main conference meeting, Oct. 3. I will announce the titles of the talks when I have them for you.

The deadline for submissions for the conference is September 8, 2014. The program committee is interested in papers on any topic in any area of philosophy.

Papers should be prepared for blind review. The author's name and institution should appear in a separate cover page and not in the paper itself. Submissions and cover pages (along with brief abstracts) should be sent as .pdf, .doc or .docx attachments to an email with the subject line "MPS 2014". Submissions can be sent to minnesotaphilosophy@gmail.com.

Submissions are limited to 3,000 words or less. Please include a word count with your abstract.

When submitting your paper, please also indicate whether you'd be willing to serve as a discussion moderator at the meeting. If you won't be submitting a paper but would like to serve as a discussion moderator, please let us know.