

Most of the work presented in this website is inspired in the content

kindly shared by the following people (special thanks to all of them)

Hacking Twitter References

In alphabetical order

AAA2011-Tweets (American Anthropological Association)

by Ben Marwick

Getting Started with Twitter Analysis in R

by Toni Hirst

Graphing Twitter with R

by Cornelius Puschmann

R Twitter analysis

by Jeffrie van der Tol

R twitteR Analysis: How HOT is the Lynas Rare Earths Mining Malaysia?

by CloudStat

Slides from my R tutorial on Twitter text mining #rstats

by Jeffrey Breen

Text Data Mining with Twitter and R

by Heuristic Andrew

Twitter API Documentation

by twitter developers

Twitter Analysis Using R

by Alberto Negron

Twitter Analysis Using R - An Introduction

by Christopher Mascaro

Twitter Client for R (vignette)

by Jeff Gentry

Twitter Sentiment Analysis Tutorial 2011

by Jeffrey Breen

Using R to search Twitter for analysis

by Earl Glynn

Twitter R Utils

by Matteo Redaelli

Using Text Mining to Find Out What @RDataMining Tweets are about

by Yanchang Zhao

R pakcages

It's virtually impossible to perform a decent twitter analysis in R

without some extremely useful packages:

twitteR (twitter client for R)

XML (for parsing XML and HTML documents)

tm (for text mining)

ggplot2 (for cool and elegant graphics)

stringr (makes string functions simpler and easier to use)

igraph (for graphs and networks)

RColorBrewer (for nice color palettes)

wordcloud (for wordclouds aka tag clouds)

© Gaston Sanchez 2012