modified cloud

Modified Comparative Cloud wordclouds

Drew Conway's Comparative Cloud

Drew Conway has proposed a very interesting option of wordcloud to compare

the words and terms of two texts (check his better cloud). Following his example,

we can try his approach on tweets from @BarackObama and @MittRomney

Example with tweets from @BarackObama and @MittRomney

Step 1: load packages

# load packages




Step 2: Collect tweets from Obama and Romney

# collect tweets

obama_tweets = userTimeline("BarackObama", n=1500)

romney_tweets = userTimeline("MittRomney", n=1500)

# get text

obama_txt = sapply(obama_tweets, function(x) x$getText())

romney_txt = sapply(romney_tweets, function(x) x$getText())

Step 3: Create function to clean text

# clean text function

clean.text <- function(some_txt)


some_txt = gsub("(RT|via)((?:\\b\\W*@\\w+)+)", "", some_txt)

some_txt = gsub("@\\w+", "", some_txt)

some_txt = gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", some_txt)

some_txt = gsub("[[:digit:]]", "", some_txt)

some_txt = gsub("http\\w+", "", some_txt)

some_txt = gsub("[ \t]{2,}", "", some_txt)

some_txt = gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", some_txt)

# define "tolower error handling" function

try.tolower = function(x)


y = NA

try_error = tryCatch(tolower(x), error=function(e) e)

if (!inherits(try_error, "error"))

y = tolower(x)



some_txt = sapply(some_txt, try.tolower)

some_txt = some_txt[some_txt != ""]

names(some_txt) = NULL



Step 4: Let's clean the text

# clean text

obama_clean = clean.text(obama_txt)

romney_clean = clean.text(romney_txt)

# join cleaned texts in a single vector

obamas = paste(obama_clean, collapse=" ")

romneys = paste(romney_clean, collapse=" ")

oba_rom = c(obamas, romneys)

Step 5: Create corpus and term-document matrix

# Corpus

or_corpus = Corpus(VectorSource(oba_rom))

# remove stopwords

skipwords = c(stopwords("english"), "president", "presidents",

"obama", "obamas", "video", "todays", "reads", "live", "watch")

or_corpus = tm_map(or_corpus, removeWords, skipwords)

# term-document matrix

tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(or_corpus)

Step 6: Create data frames from term-document matrix

# create data frame

or_df =

names(or_df) = c("obama.txt", "romney.txt")

# get rid of low frequency words

or_df = subset(or_df, obama.txt>2 & romney.txt>2)

# calculate frequency differences

or_df$freq.dif = or_df$obama.txt - or_df$romney.txt

# twitted more often by Obama

obama_df = subset(or_df, freq.dif > 0)

# twitted more often by Romney

romney_df = subset(or_df, freq.dif < 0)

# twitted equally

both_df = subset(or_df, freq.dif == 0)

Step 7: Create function to get the words spacing for the plot

# function

optimal.spacing <- function(spaces)


if(spaces > 1) {

spacing <- 1 / spaces

if(spaces%%2 > 0) {

lim = spacing * floor(spaces/2)

return(seq(-lim, lim, spacing))


else {

lim = spacing * (spaces-1)

return(seq(-lim, lim, spacing*2))



else {

# add some jitter when 0

return(jitter(0, amount=0.2))



Step 8: Apply function optimal.spacing

# Get spacing for each frequency type

obama_spacing = sapply(table(obama_df$freq.dif),

function(x) optimal.spacing(x))

romney_spacing = sapply(table(romney_df$freq.dif),

function(x) optimal.spacing(x))

both_spacing = sapply(table(both_df$freq.dif),

function(x) optimal.spacing(x))

Step 9: Add spacing column to data frames

# add spacings

obama_optim = rep(0, nrow(obama_df))

for(n in names(obama_spacing)) {

obama_optim[obama_df$freq.dif == as.numeric(n)] <- obama_spacing[[n]]


obama_df = transform(obama_df, Spacing=obama_optim)

romney_optim = rep(0, nrow(romney_df))

for(n in names(romney_spacing)) {

romney_optim[romney_df$freq.dif == as.numeric(n)] <- romney_spacing[[n]]


romney_df = transform(romney_df, Spacing=romney_optim)

both_df$Spacing = as.vector(both_spacing)

Step 10: Let's visualize the wordcloud

# use ggplot

ggplot(obama_df, aes(x=freq.dif, y=Spacing)) +

geom_text(aes(size=obama.txt, label=row.names(obama_df),

colour=freq.dif), alpha=0.7, family='Times') +

geom_text(data=romney_df, aes(x=freq.dif, y=Spacing,

label=row.names(romney_df), size=romney.txt, color=freq.dif),

alpha=0.7, family='Times') +

geom_text(data=both_df, aes(x=freq.dif, y=Spacing,

label=row.names(both_df), size=obama.txt, color=freq.dif),

alpha=0.7, family='Times') +

scale_size(range=c(3,11)) +

scale_colour_gradient(low="red3", high="blue3", guide="none") +

scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(min(romney_df$freq.dif), 0, max(obama_df$freq.dif)),

labels=c("Twitted More by Romney","Twitted Equally","Twitted More by Obama")) +

scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0), labels=c("")) +

labs(x="", y="", size="Word Frequency") +

theme_bw() +

opts(panel.grid.major = theme_blank(),

panel.grid.minor = theme_blank(),

title="Conway's Word Cloud, Tweets (Obama -vs- Romney)",

plot.title = theme_text(family="Times", size=18))

# save plot in pdf

ggsave("Obama_Romney_ModifyCloud.pdf", width=13, height=8, units="in")

© Gaston Sanchez